
Mozart Serigraph, by Penelope Bennett
The York College campus has dozens of signed prints, many by very well-known artists. The Performing Arts Center, for example, has on display more than a half-dozen serigraphs by Penelope Bennett featuring classical composers. The serigraph to the right is a representative example of these prints.
Several prints were created by artists in residence, and represent the media in which they worked at the time. While some of the prints on campus (such as those by Bennett) were created specifically as prints, other signed prints are photographs of works in other media. Sina Yussuff, for example, donated to York College numerous prints of oil paintings completed in Nigeria. These prints are signed and dated, and hang in the Library, the Office of Academic Affairs, and elsewhere.
There are so many different prints throughout the campus that the work of cataloguing the art is nowhere near completion. We invite you to contact us if you find an interesting or important print not yet represented in Unforgotten Masterpieces.