Writing Project (Fall, 2008)

Mathematics 488 (Seminar in Contemporary Mathematics)

Joseph Malkevitch
Mathematics and Computing Department
York College (CUNY)
Jamaica, New York 11451-0001



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Write an essay (hand written or typed are both acceptable) of at least 500 words that deals with someone who has contributed to the mathematics of codes (women in the class may wish to write about any female mathematician) or about some application of codes for the benefit of our society. As part of your essay, you should explain in lay person terms some mathematical idea that the person whose biography you are giving developed or if you choose to discuss an application of codes explain some of the mathematics involved in that works.

Due Date:

December 15, 2008 (Monday)

Do not fail to attend class on December 15. I would rather have the essay late rather than have you cut class so that you do not have to hand it in.

If you want, you can hand in a preliminary version of your essay on or before November 26 (Friday). (You can leave your essay in my mail box.)

In this case I will provide you with feedback for preparing the final version which would be due December 15.