Brief Essays on Mathematics Education
Prepared by:
Joseph Malkevitch
Mathematics and Computing Department
York College (CUNY)
Jamaica, NY 11451
Email: (for additions, suggestions, and corrections)
The essays below were inspired by thinking about Mathematics Education issues growing out of my involvement with Math is More. Here is the link to the Math Is More web site. Math Is More is a group of individuals dedicated to improving the climate for Mathematics Education. I hope these ideas will be of interest to all persons interested in improving Mathematics Education. In addition to information about Mathematics Education the Math is More site hosts a discussion board about Mathematics Education issues.
This essay, which can be downloaded as a pdf file, is entitled the Calculus Escalator. It discusses the consequences of thinking that the mathematics taught in K-12 should give special attention to preparing students in K-12 to be able to take Calculus.
Calculus Escalator
The same essay is also available on-line:
Calculus Escalator
This "report" was prepared as part of the process to develop the MAA CUPM 2015 report. It deals with the meaning of the term mathematical modeling and provides ideas about implementing different kinds of mathematical courses for undergraduates. It also gives domains where modeling is being used and a relatively small bibliography of modeling books and materials. This report did not appear in the final materials posted as part of the CUPM process.
Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling
Here is an on-lilne version :
Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling
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