Fairness and Equity (8/10/99)
Prepared by:
Joseph Malkevitch
Mathematics and Computing Department
York College (CUNY)
Jamaica, New York 11451-0001
Email: malkevitch@york.cuny.edu
Sample Course Outline
Major topics
(The topics below are not disjoint from each other and are in no particular order.)
1. Theories of Justice
a. Aristotle
b. Bentham (Utilitarianism)
c. Rawls
2. Game Theory
a. Cooperative games
b. Uncooperative games
c. 2-person games
d. n-person games
e. Zero-sum games
f. Matrix games
g. Equilibrium concepts
h. Solution concepts
i. Shapley value
ii. Stable sets
iii. Core
iv. Nucleolus
v. Bargaining set
j. Contributions of John Nash
k. Nobel Memorial Prizes for work related to game theory and fairness and equity.
3. Election and Voting Methods
a. Arrow's Theorem
b. Sophisticated voting
c. Borda vs. Condorcet methods
d. Empirical studies of voting
e. Fairness of setting up districts to achieve racial goals
f. Ballot types
i. Ordinal
ii. Cardinal
iii. Approval
g. Approval voting
h. Voting systems actually in use
4. Weighted Voting
a. Existence of powerless players in weight proportional to population situations
b. Different power indices
i. Shapley-Shubik
ii. Banzhaf
iii. Deegan-Packel
iv. Johnson
c. Real world examples
i. European union
ii. Electoral college
iii. Proposed system to amend Canadian Federal Constitution
d. Axiomatic approaches to weighted voting
5. Apportionment
a. European parliamentary systems
b. US House of Representatives
i. Recent Supreme Court Cases
c. Non-political instances
d. Shape of election districts (gerrymandering)
e. Methods
i. Hamilton
ii. Adams
iii. Webster (St. Laguë)
iv. D'Hondt (Jefferson)
v. Hill-Huntington
vi. Dean
vii. Methods based on voting power
6. Proportional Representation
a. The single transferable vote
b. Other apportionment systems
c. Role of district size
d. Variable size legislature
e. Mixed list and single seat system
f. Historic examples of proportional representation
7. Fair Division
a. Divisible goods
b. Indivisible goods
c. Proportional share
d. Envy and envy free
e. Limitations and strengths of divide and choose
f. Steinhaus procedure
g. Efficiency (Pareto optimality)
8. Intellectual Property Protection for New Technology
a. What can be copyrighted and how the copyright system works
b. What can be patented and how the patent system works
c. Trade secret protection for intellectual property
d. Has software created problems for the traditional methods of protecting intellectual
e. Patenting surgery, cell lines, and DNA sequences.
9. Standards
a. Sometimes a large company can destroy a smaller company's superior product (which
may be patent protected) by using its size to promote an inferior product
b. International attempts to promote product standards
10. Common-Pool Resources
a. Renewable resources
i. Fish
ii. Grazing
iii. Table water
iv. River water
v. Forests
b. Non-renewable resources
i. Oil
ii. Deep ocean resources
c. Access to public lands
11. Ranking Systems
a. Chess
b. Bridge
c. High school and professional football teams
d. Tennis players
e. Seeding systems
12. Organ Transplant Programs
a. Heart transplants
b. Kidney transplants
c. Lung transplants
13. Vaccination Programs and Drug Development
a. Reimbursement for adverse reactions to vaccines
b. Development of drugs for rare diseases
14. Auctions
a. English
b. Dutch
c. Auction of portions of the electromagnetic spectrum for new phone and communications
d. Vickrey auctions
15. Bargaining and Negotiating
a. Labor/management negotiation
b. Treaty negotiations
c. Trade negotiations
d. Mediation
e. Arbitration
16. Optimization Issues Incidental To Fairness
a. Tradeoffs between efficiency and fairness
17. Measuring Fairness
a. Income inequality
i. Gini Index
ii. Lorenz Curve
b. Construction of index numbers
18. Taxes
a. Regressive taxes
b. Flat tax
c. Equal sacrifice taxation
d. Taxation as a bankruptcy model
19. Fairness in Health Care
a. Access to health care
b. Transplant equity
c. Settlement of class action suits
i. Breast implants
ii. Hemophiliacs who got AIDS
iii. Vaccination suits
d. Assigning medical residents to hospitals
e. Drug and vaccine development policy
20. Bankruptcy Models
a. Solution methods
i. Proportionality
ii. Maimonides method
iii. Contested garment rule (Talmudic rule)
iv. Shapley value
b. Fairness axioms for bankruptcy
i. Consistency
ii. Monotonicity
21. Fairness in Scheduling
a. Fairness in scheduling sports events
b. Fairness in access to time sharing systems
c. Fairness in scheduling planes, trains and urban transportation
Potential audience
Accounting and Business Majors
Biology Majors
Economics Majors
Mathematics Majors
Philosophy Majors
Political Science Majors
Sociology and Anthropology Majors
Psychology Majors
Mathematics Majors
This work was prepared with partial support from the National Science Foundation (Grant
Number: DUE9555401) to the Long Island Consortium for Interconnected Learning (administered
by SUNY at Stony Brook, Alan Tucker, Director).
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