This bibliography is a supplement to three earlier ones published in the March 1994, December 1996, and September 1998 issues of the Bulletin of Bibliography. During the intervening time, Holocaust revisionism has continued to be discussed both in the scholarly literature and the mainstream press, especially due to the libel lawsuit filed by David Irving against Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books. The Holocaust deniers, who prefer to call themselves “revisionists” in an attempt to gain scholarly legitimacy, have refused to go away and remain as vocal as ever – Bradley R. Smith has continued to send revisionist advertisements to college newspapers, generating publicity for his cause.
Holocaust-denial, which will be used interchangeably with Holocaust revisionism in this bibliography, is a body of literature that seeks to “prove” that the Jewish Holocaust did not happen. Although individual revisionists may have different motives and beliefs, they all share at least one point: that there was no systematic attempt by Nazi Germany to exterminate European Jewry. Hence they claim that the Holocaust is a “hoax” perpetrated by Jews (“Zionists”) in an attempt to blackmail the rest of the world for sympathy, money, and legitimacy for the State of Israel.
This bibliography includes both works about Holocaust revisionism and works of Holocaust revisionism. Although Holocaust deniers write in many languages, the scope of this project (as with the three previous articles) has been limited to works in English, and Internet addresses (URLs) are provided for materials that are available online. Several items that appeared in previous installments of this ongoing bibliography are included here because they are now available on the Internet. Readers should bear in mind that, because of its unstable nature, Internet addresses often change: URLs were accurate and operative at the time this project was submitted for publication. While this bibliography has been divided into many subject areas, it is acknowledged that many of the entries cross several categories, especially the works in the “General Overview” section. Materials regarding David Irving’s lawsuit against Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books are included under “European and Russian/Soviet Revisionists,” since Irving is a British national and the trial took place in London.
The author would like to thank Professor Harriet Hagenbruch, Curriculum
Materials Center Librarian at Hofstra University’s Axinn Library, for
her assistance in obtaining materials regarding the controversial
revisionist ad in Hofstra University’s Chronicle.
Ahlmark, Per. “The Deniers – Introduction.” Paper presented at The Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, Jan. 26-28, 2000. Abridged version available on the Internet at
Amador, Jorge. “Truth in Labeling.” The New Republic 220 (14 June 1999): 53.
Apple, Benseon. “Holocaust Denial: An Analysis.”
Available on the Internet at
Part of the “Jews For Ethnic Tolerance” web site. [No longer available
Barkun, Michael. “Conspiracy Theories as Stigmatized Knowledge: The Basis for a New Age Racism?” In Nation and Race: The Developing Euro-American Racist Subculture. Ed. Jeffrey Kaplan and Tore Bjørgo. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1998, 58-72.
Bassler, Gerhard P. “Holocaust Denial.” Speech given at Holocaust Memorial Service, Beth El Synagogue, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 4 May 1997. [No longer available online.]
Bauer, Yehuda. “A Past that Will Not Go Away.” In The Holocaust and History: The Known, the Unknown, the Disputed, and the Reexamined. Ed. Michael Berenbaum and Abraham J. Peck. Bloomington: Published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum by Indiana University Press, 1998, 12-22.
Benz, Wolfgang. “Dimensions of the Holocaust.” Trans. Jane Sydenham-Kwiet. Internet Journal [An electronic journal published by the Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung of the Technische Universität Berlin]. Available on the Internet at Based on a paper presented at the University of Oslo on 13 Oct. 1997.
Berenbaum, Michael. “The Growing Assault on the Truth of Absolute Evil.” Los Angeles Times, 28 Jan. 2000, 7. Available on the Internet at and and
________. “Misleading, Inaccurate, Distorted, and Uninformed Reporting.” Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, 14 Jan. 2000. Available on the Internet at and
Berger, Alan L. “Holocaust Denial: Tempest in a Teapot, or Storm on the Horizon?” In Peace, in Deed: Essays in Honor of Harry James Cargas. Ed. Zev Garber and Richard Libowitz. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998, 31-45.
Berke, Matthew. “The Big Lie Continued.” First Things, no. 40 (Feb. 1994): 33-36. A review article of Deborah Lipstadt’s Denying the Holocaust and Pierre Vidal-Naquet’s Assassins of Memory. Available on the Internet at
Bloom, Mark Stephen. “Historical Alzheimer’s Disease.” Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1995. This prize-winning essay, which won the 1995 Dr. Frank Rosenthal Biennial Award, was credited to “K. C. Masters” on the title page, since all contest entrants assumed false names to ensure that judges were completely unbiased.
Botsford, David. Freedom of Expression, Dissenting Historians, and the Holocaust Revisionists. Historical Notes, no. 29. London: Libertarian Alliance, 1998. Available on the Internet at and
Campos, Paul. “Truest ‘Censor’ is Bottom Line.” Denver Rocky Mountain News, 18 May 1999, 35A.
Carpenter, Walter H. “Remembering, Revising, Reaction, Results: The Denial of the Holocaust and its Opponents.” M.A. thesis, Keene State College, 1993.
Carroll, Robert Todd. “Holocaust Denial and Nazism (National Socialism).” In The Skeptic’s Dictionary: A Guide for the New Millennium, by Robert Todd Carroll. Available on the Internet at
Cashman, Greer Fay. “Lipstadt at Herzog Memorial: Holocaust Denial Resurrecting Nazism.” Jerusalem Post, 13 Apr. 2000, 5.
Charny, Israel. “Commonality in Denial: The Classification of Denials of the Holocaust and Genocide.” International Network on Holocaust and Genocide 11, no. 5 (1996): 4-7.
________. “‘Innocent Denials’ of Known Genocides: A Further Contribution to a Psychology of Denial of Genocide (Revisionism).” Internet on the Holocaust and Genocide, no. 44-46 (1993): 23-25. Part of a special issue on “The Denial of Holocaust, Genocide, and Contemporary Massacres,” edited by Israel W. Charny.
________. “Toward a Generic Definition of Genocide.” In Genocide: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions. Ed. George J. Andreopoulos. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, 64-94.
Cisneros, Oscar. “Scholars Confront Genocide, History.” Daily Texan, 24 Oct. 1995, 1.
Cohen, Donald H. “Deniers Aiming With More Sophistication.” Martyrdom and Resistance 24 (May-June 1998): 13, 15.
Cohen, Stanley. Denial and Acknowledgement: The Impact of Information About Human Rights. Jerusalem: Center for Human Rights, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1995. Available on the Internet at Although this book is chiefly concerned with both the use and suppression of information regarding human rights abuses, it also discusses the efforts of Holocaust deniers.
Cohen, Susan S., ed. “Holocaust Denial: A Selected Bibliography.” Prepared for the International Conference “The Dynamics of Antisemitism in the Second Half of the 20th Century,” Convened by, The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, June 13-16 1999. Available on the Internet at
Cotler, Irwin. “The Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights: What Have We Learned? What Must We Do?” Paper presented at The Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, Jan. 26-28, 2000. Abridged version available on the Internet at
Cranberg, Lawrence. “When Are Facts About Nazis Not Facts?” Christian Science Monitor, 10 Feb. 2000, 10. Available on the Internet at
Dan, Joseph. “Four Ways of Holocaust Denial.” In Bruch und Kontinuität: Jüdisches Denken in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte. Ed. Eveline Goodman-Thau and Michael Daxner. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1995, 39-46.
Dangoor, Naim. “Holocaust Denial.” The Scribe, no. 70 (Oct. 1998). Available on the Internet at
Davidson, Arnold I. “Carlo Ginzburg and the Renewal of Historiography,” In Questions of Evidence: Proof, Practice, and Persuasion Across the Disciplines. Ed. James Chandler, Arnold I. Davidson, and Harry Harootunian. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994, 304-320.
Elst, Koenraad. “Negationism in General.” In Negationism in India: Concealing the Record of Islam, by Koenraad Elst. New Delhi: Voice of India, 1992. Available on the Internet at
Evans, Richard J. In Defense of History. New York: Norton, 1999.
Fettman, Leo, as told to Paul M. Howey. Shoah: Journey From the Ashes. Omaha: Six Points Press, 1999. In this memoir, Cantor Leo Fettman also includes a chapter on the deniers, “‘Hitler’ is Alive and Well,” 181-192.
Finan, Christopher. “Letter to the Editor.” The New Republic 220 (14 June 1999): 53.
Finkelstein, Norman. “The Holocaust Industry.” Index on Censorship 29 (Mar.-Apr. 2000): 120-129. Available on the Internet at
Finney, Patrick. “Ethics, Historical Relativism and Holocaust Denial.” Rethinking History 2 (1998): 359-369.
“For the Record: Holocaust Story.” Los Angeles Times, 31 Jan. 2000, A3. Available on the Internet at A retraction by the Los Angeles Times of some factual errors that were contained in the January 7 article (“Danger in Denying Holocaust”) by Kim Murphy.
Greening, Tom. “There Are Those Who Claim That It Never Happened.” Internet on the Holocaust and Genocide, no. 44-46 (1993): 3. This poem is part of a special issue on “The Denial of Holocaust, Genocide, and Contemporary Massacres,” edited by Israel W. Charny.
Grigg, William Norman. “Lessons From the Holocaust.” New American 14 (9 Nov. 1998). Available on the Internet at This John Birch Society magazine article is critical of both Holocaust revisionism and the Institute for Historical Review.
________. “William Norman Grigg Replies.” New American 14 (7 Dec. 1998): 2-3. Available on the Internet at Grigg’s reply to Michael A. Hoffman, II.
Halverson, Megan. “Of War and Remembrance.” ARTnews 98 (Oct. 1999): 132, 134. Concerns artist Alice Lok Cahana, who was inspired to paint with Holocaust-related themes in response to attempts to both ignore and deny it.
Hayes, Peter. “Some Plain Talk About the Holocaust and Revisionism.” Daily Northwestern, 11 Apr. 1991.
Hayward, Joel. “The Fate of Jews in German Hands: An Historical Enquiry into the Development and Significance of Holocaust Revisionism.” M.A. thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 1993. In this controversial thesis on the arguments, motives, and development of Holocaust revisionism, Hayward accepted several of their arguments (such as the Leuchter Report). Since then, Hayward has changed his views, and has publicly and emphatically stated that he is not a Holocaust revisionist, and that he considers the claims of those who deny the Holocaust to be baseless and anti-Semitic. See his public statement archived at
Hellerman, Steven L. “Letter to the Editor.” The New Republic 220 (14 June 1999): 53.
“Holocaust Denial Literature.” In Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Vol. 58. Ed. Jennifer Gariepy. Detroit: Gale Research, 1995, 1-110. Excerpts from several books and articles, including authors Deborah Lipstadt and Roger Eatwell.
Hood, Stuart. “Unanswered Questions of the Holocaust.” Sunday Herald [Scotland], 16 Apr. 2000, 2.
Jacobson, Joanne. “Denying the Holocaust.” Michigan Quarterly Review 32 (1994): 392-397. A review article of Pierre Vidal-Naquet’s Assassins of Memory.
Kaplan, Jeffrey, and Leonard Weinberg. The Emergence of a Euro-American Radical Right. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1998.
Kessel, Barbara. “Denying The Deniers.” New York Jewish Week, 5 May 2000. Available on the Internet at
Klein, Wayne. “Truth’s Turning: History and the Holocaust.” In Postmodernism and the Holocaust. Ed. Alan Milchman and Alan Rosenberg. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 1998, 53-83.
Kvam, Ragnar. “Among Two Hundred Survivors From Auschwitz.” Judaism 28 (1979): 283-292.
Lalmalani, Puja. “Holocaust Expert Challenges ‘Deniers.’” Daily Northwestern, 20 Nov. 1997.
Lichtenstein, Gene. “Illusions at the L.A. Times.” Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, 14 Jan. 2000. Available on the Internet at and
Lipstadt, Deborah E. “Holocaust Denial: Will It Cast a Shadow on Holocaust Memory in the New Millennium?” Justice, no. 22 (Winter 1999): 3-6. Available on the Internet at
________. “Holocaust Denial and the Compelling Force of Reason.” AIJA Briefing, no. 20 (Feb. 1994). Available on the Internet at
McCarter, Jeremy. “ Holocaust Denial for Sale.” New Republic 220 (10 May 1999): 21.
Murphy, Kim. “Danger in Denying Holocaust.” Los Angeles Times, 7 Jan. 2000, A1, A16. Available on the Internet at and
Nener, Itzhak. “Opening Remarks – International Conference Commemorating the Jewish Community of Salonika.” Justice, no. 18 (Fall 1998): 26-27, 44. Available on the Internet at
“No More Denials.” Ottawa Citizen, 3 Mar. 2000.
Nygren, Per. “Svårt att bemöta förnekarna.” Göteborgs-Posten, 28 Jan. 2000. Available in the original Swedish on the Internet at, and in English (“Difficult to Counter the Deniers”) at
“On Eve of Stockholm Conference: Holocaust Deniers Haven’t Made Major Impact — AJC Survey.” Jerusalem Post, 25 Jan. 2000, 1. Available on the Internet at
Petropoulos, Jonathan. “Holocaust Denial: A Generational Typology.” In Lessons and Legacies III: Memory, Memorialization, and Denial. Ed. Peter Hayes. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1999, 239-247, with notes on 297-300.
Porat, Dina. “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: New Uses of an Old Myth.” In Demonizing the Other: Antisemitism, Racism & Xenophobia. Ed. Robert S. Wistrich. Amsterdam: Published for the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, by Harwood Academic Publishers, 1999, 323-335.
Porter, E. “Four Contributions Towards the Unmasking of Holocaust Denial.” Catholic New Times 19 (3 Dec. 1995): 6. A review article of Pierre Vidal-Naquet’s Assassins of Memory, Deborah Lipstadt’s Denying the Holocaust, the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Holocaust Denial, and Warren Kinsella’s Web of Hate.
Price, Vincent, David Tewksbury, and Li-Ning Huang. “Third-Person Effects on Publication of a Holocaust-Denial Advertisement.” Journal of Communication 48 (Spring 1998): 3-26.
Prosono, Marvin. “Letter to the Editor.” First Things, no. 43 (May 1994): 6-7. Available on the Internet at Includes a reply from Matthew Berke.
________. “Toward a Sociology and a Science of the Holocaust: A Symbolic Interactionist/ Pragmatist Commentary on Holocaust Denial and Anti-Denial.” Perspectives on Social Problems 6 (1994): 233-256.
Reich, Walter. “Anti-Semitism is an Ancient Plague of Hatred.” Los Angeles Times, 13 Apr. 2000, 11.
Reid, Jacquelyn. Letter to the Editor. Christian Science Monitor, 10 Feb. 2000, 10. Available on the Internet at
“Report of the Workshop on Education: ‘Facing Denial in Society and Education,’” from The Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, Jan. 26-28, 2000. Available on the Internet at
Rogers, Robert. “Memory.” Daily Texan, 1 May 1996.
Ross, Jeffrey A. “Holocaust Denial: The Vanguard Conspiracy Theory of the Contemporary Hate Movement.” In Conspiracies: Real Grievances, Paranoia, and Mass Movements. Ed. Eric Ward. Seattle: Peanut Butter Publising, 1996, 127-144. Excerpts available on the Internet at
Samuels, Shimon. “Facing Denial in Society and Education.” Paper presented at The Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, Jan. 26-28, 2000. Abridged version available on the Internet at
Sarna, Jonathan D. “Fighting Intellectual Anti-Semitism.” Present Tense 9 (Spring 1982): 10-12.
Shermer, Michael. “Holocaust Revisionism Update: David Cole Recants/David Irving Says Churchill Knew About Pearl Harbor.” Skeptic 6, no. 1 (1998): 23-25. Reprinted in Adelaide Institute Newsletter, no. 79 (Aug. 1998).
Steiker, Valerie. “A Holocaust Denier Inspires a Novel: Helen Schulman Talks About ‘The Revisionist.’” Forward, 4 Sept. 1998, 11.
Stein, Arlene. “Whose Memories? Whose Victimhood? Contests for the Holocaust Frame in Recent Social Movement Discourse.” Sociological Perspectives 41 (1998): 519-540. Deals primarily with attempts by social movement activists to appropriate the Holocaust, but the author also touches upon examples of Holocaust denial.
Strom, Andrew. “No Excuse.” Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, 4 Feb. 2000. Available on the Internet at
Teepen, Tom. “Holocaust Denials Beneath Debate.” San Francisco Chronicle, 24 July 1993, A22.
Tugend, Tom. “Getting It Very Wrong.” Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, 14 Jan. 2000. Available on the Internet at and
Van Pelt, Robert Jan. “Auschwitz and Holocaust Denial.” Paper presented at The Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, Jan. 26-28, 2000. Abridged version available on the Internet at
________. The Science of Holocaust Research and the Art of Holocaust Denial. Waterloo, Ontario.: Dept. of Geography, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, 1999.
Wasserstrom, Steven M. “Response to ‘Holocaust Denial: The Vanguard Conspiracy Theory of the Contemporary Hate Movement.’” In Conspiracies: Real Grievances, Paranoia, and Mass Movements. Ed. Eric Ward. Seattle: Peanut Butter Publising, 1996, 145-151.
Wein, Berel. “What They Deny.” Jerusalem Post, 21 Apr. 2000, 9B.
Weinberg, Leonard. “An Overview of Right-Wing Extremism in the Western World: A Study of Convergence, Linkage, and Identity.” In Nation and Race: The Developing Euro-American Racist Subculture. Ed. Jeffrey Kaplan and Tore Bjørgo. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1998, 3-33.
Wright, Jaime Lane. “The Language of Holocaust Denial: A Rhetoric of Purification and Extermination.” M.A. thesis, Wake Forest University, Dept. of Communication, 1999.
Zelizer, Barbie. Remembering to Forget: Holocaust Memory Through the Camera’s Eye. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998. Briefly mentions how the deniers claim that Holocaust photographs are forgeries.
Zimmerman, John C. “Holocaust Denial.” Los Angeles
Times, 16 Jan. 2000, M4. Available on the Internet at
Abravanel, Karen. “Return to Sender.” New York Times, 23 Dec. 1993, A16. Available on the Internet at
“ADL Blasts Hate Group With Sacramento Followers.” Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 25 Sept. 1998. Available on the Internet at
“Advertising vs. Editorial: Though an Advertisement May Be Controversial, Free Speech Applies to All Opinions.” Daily Kent Stater, 20 Oct. 1998, 4. Available on the Internet at
“And Free Speech For All.” [Binghamton University] Pipedream, 21 Nov. 1997.
“Angry Mood at Hofstra U. Over Revisionist Holocaust Denial.” Martyrdom and Resistance 26 (Jan.-Feb. 2000): 12.
Banks, Marcus. “Holocaust Happened, But Butz Should Still Speak.” Daily Northwestern, 7 Apr. 1999.
Barell, Phyllis. Letter to the Editor. The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 4 Nov. 1999, 10.
Barker, Kim. “Warning: Column May Be Offensive.” Daily Northwestern, 12 Apr. 1991.
Baron, Lawrence. “Holocaust Awareness and Denial in the United States: The Hype and the Hope.” In Lessons and Legacies III: Memory, Memorialization, and Denial. Ed. Peter Hayes. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1999, 225-235, with notes on 294-297.
Bauer, Roy. “Revisionism and the Holocaust.” Los Angeles Times [Orange County ed.], 22 Mar. 1998, B8.
Beatty, Shannon. “Messages Found in Stacks: ‘66 Questions and Answers on the Holocaust: A Revisionist Perspective.’” Daily Kent Stater, 6 Nov. 1998, 5. Available on the Internet at
Beatty, Shannon and Rebecca Drabik. “Clash Between History and Free Speech: Jewish Community Reacts to Ad Debating Truths of Holocaust.” Daily Kent Stater, 6 Nov. 1998, 1. Available on the Internet at
Belson, Joel Jay. “Ad Copy That Offends.” New York Times, 20 Nov. 1999, A12.
Bentz-Letts, Alan. Letter to the Editor. The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 4 Nov. 1999, 10.
Bischoping, Katherine. “Responses to Holocaust Denial: A Case Study at the University of Michigan.” Contemporary Jewry 18 (1997): 44-59.
“B’nai B’rith and ADL Hypocritical Say Critics.” The WINDS (Sept. 1998).
Bobrow, Deborah L. “Holocaust Ad.” Daily Kent Stater, 21 Oct. 1998, 4. Available on the Internet at
Borowitz, Susan D. “Wakeup Call: “Both Sides’ Don’t Always Exist.” California Aggie, 17 Nov. 1998.
Breyault, John. “Anti-Semitic Ad Angers Many.” Expulsion 17 (23 Nov. 1998).
Burke, R. “Letter to the Editor.” Los Angeles Times [Orange County ed.], 22 Mar. 1998, B8.
Caine, Burton. “Northwestern Unfair in Firing Professor for Refuting Holocaust Revisionist.” Shalom Aleichem 2 (Jan.-Feb. 1997). [No longer available online.]
Caplan, Marc. Jew-Hatred as History: An Analysis of the
Nation of Islam’s “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.”
Ed. Alan M. Schwartz. New York: Anti-Defamation League,
1993. Available on the Internet at
Center for Democratic Renewal. “Carto and the Liberty Lobby.” 25 March 1995. Available on the Internet at
________. “White Supremacy in the South.” Fall
1994. Available on the Internet at
“Chapin Master Needs to Butz Out.” Daily Northwestern, 7 Apr. 1999.
Chesnut, Dennis L. “Denial of Facts.” The Idaho Statesman, 26 July 1998, 11A.
Cichowski, John. “Veterans Blast Congressional Candidate, Unite Against Holocaust Revisionist.” The [Bergen County, N.J.] Record, 10 May 1994, B4.
“Confronting Holocaust Denial: A Case Study in Community Response.” Dignity Report 3 (Fall 1995): 17-19.
Copp, Tara. “A Letter From the Editor.” Daily Texan, 1 Oct. 1996.
Cranston, Alan. “Denial of Holocaust Rejected.” Congressional Record, 24 Sept. 1985, 24696-24697. Contains the Statement of Record and Letter of Apology to Mel Mermelstein from the Institute for Historical Review.
Crawford, Robert, S. L. Gardner, Jonathan Mozzochi, and R. L. Taylor. The Northwest Imperative: Documenting a Decade of Hate. Portland: Coalition for Human Dignity; Seattle: Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment, 1994.
Danks, Joseph H. “Holocaust Ad.” Daily Kent Stater, 27 Oct. 1998, 4. Available on the Internet at
“David Duke Talks to Richard Martin.” PreText (Feb.
1998). Available on the Internet at
Dillion, Lee. “‘Scholar’ a Nazi Apologist.” The Idaho Statesman, 3 August 1998, 8B.
Drabik, Rebecca. “Revisionist’s Theory: At the Core of the Free Speech and Advertising Controversy is Bradly [sic] R. Smith, the Director of CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust).” Daily Kent Stater, 6 Nov. 1998, 1. Available on the Internet at
Dreher, Rod. “The Enemy Within: ‘Mr. Death’ Makes Us Face Our Evil, Too.” New York Post, 27 Jan. 1999, 44. Available on the Internet at
Driver, Betsy. “Chapin Resident Interested in Learning, Not Supporting Butz.” Daily Northwestern, 8 Apr. 1999.
Dunn, Lauren. “Revisionist Ads Spark Debate.” [Binghamton University] Pipedream, 9 Dec. 1997.
Ebert, Roger. “Death and Denial: Morris Documentary Perplexes, Challenges.” Chicago Sun-Times, 7 Feb. 1999, Sec. SHO, 10.
Edson, April S. “Why Print Hate Speech?" The Idaho Statesman, 26 July 1998, 11A.
Eko, Lyombe. “Free Speech Forum.” Bangor Daily News, 4 Dec. 1999.
Ezekiel, Raphael S. The Racist Mind: Portraits of American Neo-Nazis and Klansmen. New York: Viking Penguin, 1995.
Fakterowitz, Jack. Letter to the Editor. The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 2 Dec. 1999, 10.
Farrell, Nicholas. “Death’s Salesman Cut Off Before His Time.” Sunday Telegraph, 17 Nov. 1991, 3.
Feldman, Steve. “Not Elementary: Holocaust Deniers Target Public-School Students and Faculty.” Jewish Exponent, 15 Jan. 1998, 1.
Finkelstein, Katherine E. “Angry Press Debate at Hofstra Over Ad Doubting Holocaust.” New York Times, 17 Nov. 1999, B8. Available on the Internet at
Forman, Gayle. “Denying History: Holocaust ‘Revisionists’ Target Campuses Nationwide.” Flux, no. 3 (1995): 16-20. Available on the Internet at
“Forum Discussion Will Be the Perfect Place to Voice Opinions.” The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 11 Nov. 1999, 9.
“Freedom of Speech Entitles All to Voice Opinions.” The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 4 Nov. 1999, 8.
Fried, Amy. “Denial on Campus.” Bangor Daily News, 9 Dec. 1999.
Friend, Sharra. Letter to the Editor. The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 4 Nov. 1999, 11.
Godden, Jean. “Holocaust Trial Winner Has UW Tie.” Seattle Times, 14 Apr. 2000, B1.
Goldstein, Jonathan. “Holocaust Denial at UM.” Bangor Daily News, 27 Nov. 1999.
Gotliffe, Harvey Leonard. “Understanding the First Amendment – Lesson No. 1: Freedom of the Press Starts With the Right to Say ‘No.’” Editor & Publisher 132 (26 June 1999): 54.
Graham, Charles and Marcie Bircher. “Holocaust Ad.” Daily Kent Stater, 21 Oct. 1998, 4. Available on the Internet at
Greene, Fred. Letter to the Editor. The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 2 Dec. 1999, 9.
Greene, Ira. Letter to the Editor. The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 2 Dec. 1999, 11.
Greene, Michelle. “Tech Applauded for Not Running Holocaust Ad.” The Tech, 6 Mar. 1992, 5. Available on the Internet at
Greene, Robert W. Letter to the Editor. The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 11 Nov. 1999, 10.
Griffith, Michael. “Distinguishing Scholarship From Denial.” Perspectives 32 (Sept. 1994): 25.
Grosswiler, Paul. “Sunlight on Holocaust Denial.” Bangor Daily News, 27 Jan. 2000.
Harlan, Barbara. “Boatman’s Column Serves a Purpose.” The Idaho Statesman, 9 Aug. 1998, 6B.
Hartmann, Josh. “No Room for ‘Revisionists’ in The Tech.” The Tech, 3 Mar. 1992, 4-5. Available on the Internet at
“Hate in Disguise: Ad Denying Holocaust Has No Place in the Northern Star.” Northern Star, 16 Jan. 1998.
Hawkes, Jeff. “F&M Students Hit Wrong Target in Paper Protest.” Intelligencer Journal, 6 Apr. 1999.
“Here’s One Thing Hard to Deny – Holocaust Feud is Getting Hot.” Forward, 16 Apr. 1999, 1, 23.
Hevesi, Dennis. Letter to the Editor. The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 2 Dec. 1999, 10.
Hirschhaut, Richard S. “Holocaust ‘Revisionist.’” San Francisco Chronicle, 10 Sept. 1993, A22.
Hitchens, Christopher. “The Chorus and Cassandra: What Everyone Knows About Noam Chomsky.” Grand Street 5 (Autumn 1985): 106-131; reprinted in Prepared for the Worst: Selected Essays and Minority Reports, by Christopher Hitchens. New York: Hill and Wang, 1988, 58-77. Available on the Internet at
“Hofstra Students Get Lesson in 1st Amendment.” Newsday, 23 Nov. 1999, A44.
Hollander, Ron. “Why to Reject an Ad.” New York Times, 22 Nov. 1999, A30.
“Holocaust Ad: Freedom of Speech.” California Aggie, 12 Nov. 1998.
“Holocaust Attack Ad Draws Fire: Angry Forum at Hofstra.” Daily News, 18 Nov. 1999.
“Holocaust Denier Admits ADL’s Success.” ADL on the Frontline (June 1998).
“Holocaust Deniers Launch a Video Payoff Project.” Martyrdom and Resistance 24 (Mar.-Apr. 1998): 11.
“Holocaust ‘Revisionist’ Sends Emerald a Check.” Oregon
Daily Emerald, 23 Feb. 1996. Available on the Internet at
Hope, Michael. “Butz Fireside Decision Remains Chapin Issue.” Daily Northwestern, 9 Apr. 1999.
Hudson, James. “Star Editors Took the Safe and Easy Position on Holocaust Ad.” Northern Star, 16 Jan. 1998.
Huerta, Carlos. “Holocaust Education and Holocaust Revisionism in the United States Army.” Paper presented at “The Memory of the Holocaust in the 21st Century: The Challenge for Education,” the Second International Conference on the Holocaust and Education, Yad Vashem, Israel, Oct. 10-14, 1999.
Jackson, Bill. “Tech Has Responsibility to Print Truth.” The Tech, 3 Mar. 1992, 5. Available on the Internet at
Jensen, Elizabeth. “AHA Failures on Holocaust Denial.” Perspectives 32 (Sept. 1994): 25; includes a reply from the editor, 25-26.
Jordan, Jaime. “Anti-Semitic Ad Sneaks Into College Newspapers.” Northern Star, 15 Jan. 1998.
Kagay, Michael R. “Poll on Doubt of Holocaust is Corrected.” New York Times, 8 July 1994, A10.
Kalmar, Ivan. “Of Grammar and the Holocaust; or Why Did a Jew Defend a Holocaust-Denier?” In The Trotskys, Freuds and Woody Allens: Portrait of a Culture, by Ivan Kalmar. Toronto: Viking, 1993, 281-304.
Kaplan, Jeffrey. “Right Wing Violence in North America.” In Terror From the Extreme Right. Ed. Tore Bjørgo. Portland: Frank Cass, 1995, 44-95.
Katz, Harry. “A Study in Real History.” Newsday, Queens ed., 26 Nov. 1999, A67.
Kaufman, Anthony. “Errol Morris and the Accidental Nazi.” Available on the Internet at
Kelts, Steven. “Chronicle Stance on First Amendment Contradictory.” The [Duke University] Chronicle, 18 Apr. 1996.
Kirell, Jason. “Since When is a Person’s Freedom Negotiable.” The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 2 Dec. 1999, 8.
“The Kitschy Holocaust.” Slate, 27 Apr. 1999. Available on the Internet at
Kyle, Bruce. “Six Million Truths Counter One Big Lie.” Bangor Daily News, 9 Dec. 1999.
Ladenheim, Sara. “Did Hofstra Carry Free Speech Too Far?” Newsday, Queens ed., 7 Dec. 1999, A43.
Ladd, Everett Carll. “The Holocaust Poll Error: A Modern Cautionary Tale.” Public Perspective 5 (July/Aug. 1994): 3-5.
________. “Setting the Record Straight on a Holocaust-Denial Poll.” Christian Science Monitor, 1 July 1994, 18.
“Learning, Respect and Reflection: The Lessons of the Month.” The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 2 Dec. 1999, 6.
Leibsohn, Seth. “Some Things, Jews & Universities Should Not Do.” Shalom Aleichem 2 (Jan.-Feb. 1997). [No longer available online.]
Levine, Samson. “Advertisement Starts On-Campus Controversy.” The [Hofstra University] Chronicle, 4 Nov. 1999, 1, 3.
“Liberty Lobby is Filing for Bankruptcy.” Forward, 10 July 1998, 5.
Linzer, Lori, and Marilyn Mayo. Explosion of Hate: The Growing Danger of the National Alliance. New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1998. Available on the Internet at
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Cooper, Jonathan, and Adrian Marshall Williams. “Hate Speech, Holocaust Denial and International Human Rights Law.” European Human Rights Law Review 6 (1999): 593-613.
Cotler, Irwin. “Hate Speech, Equality and the Limits on Freedom of Expression: The Canadian Experience as a Case-Study.” In Jerusalem: City of Law and Justice. Ed. Nahum Rakover. Jerusalem: The Library of Jewish Law, Jewish Legal Heritage Society, 1998, 229-248.
________. “Racist Incitement: Giving Free Speech a Bad Name.” In Freedom of Expression and the Charter. Ed. David Schneiderman. Scarborough, Ont.: Thomson Professional Publishing Canada, 1991, 249-257.
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Douglas-Scott, Sionaidh. “The Hatefulness of Protected Speech: A Comparison of the American and European Approaches.” William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 7 (1999): 305-346.
Elman, Bruce P. “Her Majesty The Queen v. James Keegstra: The Control of Racism in Canada, a Case Study.” In Under the Shadow of Weimar: Democracy, Law, and Racial Incitement in Six Countries. Ed. Louis Greenspan and Cyril Levitt. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993, 149-176.
________. “A Review of the Keegstra Case: Supreme Court Upholds Hate Propaganda Law.” Constitutional Forum 2 (1990): 86-89.
Errera, Roger. “French Law and Racial Incitement: On the Necessity and Limits of the Legal Responses. In Under the Shadow of Weimar: Democracy, Law, and Racial Incitement in Six Countries. Ed. Louis Greenspan and Cyril Levitt. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993, 39-62.
Fogo-Schensul, Credence. “More Than a River in Egypt: Holocaust Denial, the Internet, and International Freedom of Expression Norms.” Gonzaga Law Review 33 (1997/98): 241-276.
Giles, Geoffrey J. “Blind in the Right Eye: German Justice and Holocaust Denial.” In Lessons and Legacies III: Memory, Memorialization, and Denial. Ed. Peter Hayes. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1999, 248-253, with notes on 300.
Gosnell, Chris. “Hate Speech on the Internet: A Question of Context.” Queen’s Law Journal 23 (Spring 1998): 369-439.
Hasian, Marouf A., Jr. “Canadian Civil Liberties, Holocaust Denial, and the Zundel Trials.” Communications and the Law 21 (Sept. 1999): 43-56.
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Heinrichs, Terry. “Censorship as Free Speech! Free Expression Values and the Logic of Silencing in R. v. Keegstra.” Alberta Law Review 36 (Dec. 1998): 835-904.
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Iganski, Paul. “Legislating Against Hate: Outlawing Racism and Antisemitism in Britain.” Critical Social Policy 19, no. 1 (1999): 129-141.
Jones, Jeremy. “Denial on Trial.” The Review 24 (Dec. 1999): 3. Available on the Internet at and
“Judgement By the Hague Court of Appeal in the Case Verbeke.” Antisemitism Research 1 (Mar 1997): 43-46.
Kahn, Robert A. “Who Takes the Blame? Scapegoating, Legal Responsibility and the Prosecution of Holocaust Revisionists in the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada.” Glendale Law Review 16 (1997): 17-64.
Khan, Anwar (Andy) N. “Foreign Development: Hate Propaganda and Canadian Schoolteachers.” Journal of Law & Education 26 (July 1997): 49-62.
Lampert, David. “Underlining Equality: The Competing Philosophies in R. v. Keegstra.” LL.M. thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1992.
Magnet, Joseph. “Hate Propaganda in Canada.” In Free Expression: Essays in Law and Philosophy. Ed. W. J. Waluchow. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, 223-250.
Mahoney, Kathleen E. “Hate Speech: Affirmation or Contradiction of Freedom of Expression.” University of Illinois Law Review 1996 (1996): 789-808.
Minsker, Natasha L. “‘I Have a Dream – Never Forget’: When Rhetoric Becomes Law. A Comparison of the Jurisprudence of Race in Germany and the United States.” Harvard Blackletter Journal 14 (Spring 1998): 113-169.
Moran, Mayo. “Talking About Hate Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis of American and Canadian Approaches to the Regulation of Hate Speech.” Wisconsin Law Review 1994 (1994): 1425-1514.
Narveson, Jan. “Freedom of Speech and Expression: A Libertarian View.” In Free Expression: Essays in Law and Philosophy. Ed. W. J. Waluchow. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, 59-90.
The Protonia Trial: In the High Court of Protonia at the Eighth Congress of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, Jerusalem, Dec. 1989. Tel Aviv : The Association, 1990. Available on the Internet at!theprot.pdf. Also published in Report: Eighth Congress, December 25-29, 1989, International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists. Tel Aviv : The Association, 1990, 13-30. A mock trial in an imaginary country known as Protonia, involving efforts to halt broadcasts of a television documentary denying the Holocaust.
Ranki, Vera. “Holocaust History and the Law: Recent Trials Emerging Theories.” Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 9 (Spring/Summer 1997): 15-44.
Rappaport, Kim L. “In the Wake of Reno v. ACLU: The Continued Struggle in Western Constitutional Democracies With Internet Censorship and Freedom of Speech Online.” American University International Law Review 13 (1998): 765-814.
Raymaker, Derek, and David Kilgour. “The Freedom to Promote Hate: What We Learned from Jim Keegstra and Malcolm Ross.” University of New Brunswick Law Journal 41 (1992): 327-332.
Rogers, Brian J. “The Zundel Trials: The Issue is Whether the State Will Determine What is ‘True’ About History.” Policy Options 10 (July/Aug. 1989): 23-24.
Roth, Stephen J. “The Laws of Six Countries: An Analytical Comparison.” In Under the Shadow of Weimar: Democracy, Law, and Racial Incitement in Six Countries. Ed. Louis Greenspan and Cyril Levitt. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993, 177-211.
Schweitzer, Thomas A. “Hate Speech on Campus and the First Amendment: Can They Be Reconciled?” Connecticut Law Review 27 (1995): 493-521.
Shaffer, Martha. “Criminal Responses to Hate-Motivated Violence: Is Bill C-41 Tough Enough?” McGill Law Journal 41 (1995): 199-250.
Standen, Karyn. “Make Holocaust Denial a Crime: B’nai B’rith.” Ottawa Citizen, 16 June 1998, A1.
Sumner, L. W. “Hate Propaganda and Charter Rights.” In Free Expression: Essays in Law and Philosophy. Ed. W. J. Waluchow. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, 153-174.
Travis, Alan. “Delay on Holocaust Denial Law: Government Desire to Create Specific Offence May Infringe Freedom of Speech.” Guardian, 19 Oct. 1999, 4.
Weinstein, James. “An American’s View of the Canadian Hate Speech Decisions.” In Free Expression: Essays in Law and Philosophy. Ed. W. J. Waluchow. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, 175-221.
Wetzel, Juliane. “The Judicial Treatment of Incitement Against Ethnic Groups and of the Denial of National Socialist Mass Murder in the Federal Republic of Germany.” Trans. Gerald Chapple. In Under the Shadow of Weimar: Democracy, Law, and Racial Incitement in Six Countries. Ed. Louis Greenspan and Cyril Levitt. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993, 83-106.
Wheatcroft, Geoffrey. “Lock Up the Holocaust Deniers?” New York Times, 12 Oct. 1998, A19.
Wolfman, Eric. “The Criminalization of Hate Propaganda: A Clash of Ideals Between Canada and the United States.” ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 2 (1996): 543-576.
Wosnitza, Regine. “Deterring ‘Deniers.’” The Review 24 (June 1999): 24-25.
Drobnicki, John A. “Holocaust Denial and Libraries: Should Libraries Acquire Revisionist Materials?” College & Research Libraries News 60 (June 1999): 463-464. Available on the Internet at
________. Letter to the Editor. The New Republic 220 (14 June 1999): 53. Available on the Internet at
Mandel, Charles. “Holocaust-Denial Dispute in Edmonton.” Quill & Quire 54 (July 1988): 59.
Morgan, Keith A. “Public Librarians and Revisionist Historians.” Non-thesis reseach project, Faculty of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, 1990. Available on the Internet at
Motin, Susan Hubbs. “Technology, Libraries and the Holocaust.” Paper presented at “The Memory of the Holocaust in the 21st Century: The Challenge for Education,” the Second International Conference on the Holocaust and Education, Yad Vashem, Israel, Oct. 10-14, 1999.
Nelson, Kristina L. “Erasing the Horror: Revisionism and Library Access.” Current Studies in Librarianship 22 (Spring-Fall 1998): 12-19.
Stauffer, Suzanne M. “Selected Issues in Holocaust Denial Literature and Reference Work.” Reference Librarian 29, no. 61-62 (1998): 189-193. Simultaneously co-published in The Holocaust: Memories, Research, Reference. Ed. Robert Hauptman and Susan Hubbs Motin. New York: Haworth Press, 1998, 189-193.
Cohen, Boaz. “Holocaust Denial – Educational Growth or Educational Failure?” Paper presented at “The Memory of the Holocaust in the 21st Century: The Challenge for Education,” the Second International Conference on the Holocaust and Education, Yad Vashem, Israel, Oct. 10-14, 1999.
Flaim, Richard F. “Human Rights through Holocaust and Genocide Studies: Achievement and Challenges.” Middle States Council for the Social Studies Journal 11 (Fall 1989): 19-23.
Kaye, Ephraim. “Desecraters of Memory: Confronting Holocaust Denial.” Paper presented at “The Memory of the Holocaust in the 21st Century: The Challenge for Education,” the Second International Conference on the Holocaust and Education, Yad Vashem, Israel, Oct. 10-14, 1999.
“Nazi Germany Through An Examination of the Holocaust.” A sample lesson plan from the Schools of California Online Resources for Education, where students pretend to be newspaper reporters preparing a series on Holocaust-denial. Available on the Internet at
Pentlin, Susan, and Shelly Shapiro. “Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial in the Classroom.” Paper presented at “The Memory of the Holocaust in the 21st Century: The Challenge for Education,” the Second International Conference on the Holocaust and Education, Yad Vashem, Israel, Oct. 10-14, 1999.
________. “Evaluating Curriculum of New Social Studies School Service.” Martyrdom and Resistance 26 (Nov.-Dec. 1999): 12, 15.
Willis, Aaron, ed. Teaching Holocaust Studies With the Internet: Internet Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities. El Segundo, CA: Classroom Connect, 1999.
Anti-Defamation League. Hate on the World Wide Web: A Brief Guide to Cyberspace Bigotry. Available on the Internet at
________. Poisoning the Web: Hatred Online. An ADL Report on Internet Bigotry, Extremism and Violence. New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1999. Available on the Internet at
Back, Les, Michael Keith, and John Solomos. “Racism on the Internet: Mapping Neo-Fascist Subcultures in Cyberspace.” In Nation and Race: The Developing Euro-American Racist Subculture. Ed. Jeffrey Kaplan and Tore Bjørgo. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1998, 73-101.
Barney, Doug. “Controversy on the Web.” Network World 13 (8 Jan. 1996): 8.
________. “Web of Hate: White Separatists Leap on the ‘Net.” Network World 13 (8 Jan. 1996): 1, 8.
Bellan, Matt. “Fight Against ‘Cyberhate’ a Race Against Time.” Edmonton Jewish Life (Apr. 1996). Available on the Internet at
Berman, Richard J. “Binary Hate.” Images, no. 15 (Passover Issue, 1995).
Bernhardt, Zvi. “Antisemitism: Perception and Misperception on the World Wide Web.” Paper presented at “The Memory of the Holocaust in the 21st Century: The Challenge for Education,” the Second International Conference on the Holocaust and Education, Yad Vashem, Israel, Oct. 10-14, 1999.
Boei, William. “CD Tel Asked to Cut Off Net Nazis’ Connection.” Vancouver Sun, 8 Apr. 1998. Available on the Internet at
Borrowman, Shane. “Critical Surfing: Holocaust Denial and Credibility on the Web.” College Teaching 47 (Spring 1999): 44-47. Available on the Internet at
________. “Ethics, Dialogue, and Denial: Responding to Anti-Semitic Discourse on the Web.” Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL, April 1-4, 1998. ERIC document, ED420076.
Burghart, Devin. “CyberH@te: Exploring the World of Virtual White Supremacy.” Available on the Internet at A previous version of this article first appeared in The Dignity Report.
Cacas, Samuel R. “Countering Cyberhate: More Regulation or More Speech?” Human Rights 25 (Summer 1998): 21-23.
Campbell, K. K. “Ban Nothing, Question Everything.” eye Weekly, 25 May 1995. Available on the Internet at
“Canada Tries to Bar Pro-Nazi View on Internet” New York Times, 2 Aug. 1998, Sec. I, A18.
Conroy, Paul. “Institute Spreads its Word Through Internet.” The Age, 13 Nov. 1999.
Corrigan, Don. “Hate Groups Target St. Louis.” St. Louis Journalism Review 28 (Apr. 1998): 1, 10-11, 15.
Cowell, Alan. “First, Army Neo-Nazis, Now Racists on Internet Worry Germany.” New York Times, 16 Dec. 1997, A12.
Edwards, Thomas. “Internet Project Won’t Let Holocaust Be Forgotten.” San Antonio Express-News, 3 Aug. 1996, 10B. Available on the Internet at
Friedman, Matthew. “Crusaders in Cyberspace: Those Who Want to Crack Down on Internet Hate-Mongers Are Actually More Dangerous to Society Than Those Who Merely Insult and Offend.” [Montreal] Gazette, 5 Dec.1998, B5. Available on the Internet at
Gold, Alan. “Philosophy of Hate Has No Room for Truth: The Internet is an Invaluable Tool for Holocaust Deniers Spreading Evil.” Sydney Morning Herald, 18 Jan. 2000, 13. Available on the Internet at and
Grossman, Leonard. “Still Online – Still Amazed: Tales of Then and Now.” WindoWatch: The Electronic Windows Magazine of the Internet 5 (Feb. 1999). Available on the Internet at
Harvey, Ian. “The Hate Debate Rages On: Racism and Anti-Semitic Websites Question the Freedom of Cyber-Speech.” Toronto Sun, 25 Mar. 1998, 69.
“Interview: Ken McVay.” MediaWave 11, no. 4 (August-September 1995): 21-22.
Jones, Jeremy. “Charlatan’s Web.” Australia/Israel Review 23 (21 Oct.-11 Nov. 1998): 10-11. Available on the Internet at
________. “Networking.” Australia/Israel Review 21 (11-24 Nov. 1996). Available on the Internet at
Kilian, Crawford. “The Virtual Reich: The Far Side of
Cyberspace Politics.” .net (October 1995): 47-50.
Available on the Internet at
Kitney, Geoff. “Trial Sparks Internet Racism Fears.” Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Nov. 1999, 5.
Kraft, Frances. “Anti-Holocaust Denial Web Site’s Future Uncertain.” Canadian Jewish News, 21 Oct. 1999. Available on the Internet at and
Ladd, Donna. “Living in Terror: Targets of Racist Web Sites Find Nowhere to Hide.” Village Voice, 17-23 May 2000. Available on the Internet at
Landazuri, Dario. “A Comparison of Web Resources on Holocaust Revisionism.” Final Project for a University of Kansas History class on Hitler and Nazi Germany.
Landesman, Betty. “Holocaust Denial and the Internet.” Reference Librarian 29, no. 61-62 (1998): 287-299. Simultaneously co-published in The Holocaust: Memories, Research, Reference. Ed. Robert Hauptman and Susan Hubbs Motin. New York: Haworth Press, 1998, 287-299.
Lazar, Barry. “Ken McVay Leads the Fight Against Hatred on the Net.” [Montreal] Gazette, 8 Apr. 1997, B4. Available on the Internet at
Lee, Jeff. “B.C. Internet Provider a Magnet for Hate, Rights Group Says.” Ottawa Citizen, 19 July 1996.
Leo, John. “See No Evil, Surf No Evil.” U.S. News & World Report 126 (1 Feb. 1999): 18.
Longhurst, Richard. “Connected: Netlife.” Daily Telegraph, 14 May 1998, 15.
Louisna, Gariot. “Hate Groups Embrace Internet’s Reach, Speed.” Caribbean Today 9 (30 June 1998): 11. Available on the Internet at
Meddis, Sam Vincent. “The Net: New and Notable.” USA Today, 1 Apr. 1998, 5D.
Metella, Helen. “Racism on Internet Fought With Truth.” Edmonton Journal, 14 Oct. 1995, B2. Available on the Internet at
O’Brien, Darren. “Hatred on the Net.” Centre for Comparative Genocide Studies Newsletter 2 (Dec. 1995-Jan. 1996).
“An Okanagan Town Caught in the Web.” Maclean’s 111 (4 May 1998): 27.
“On-line Racism is His Target: Crusader Tells Students Internet a Reflection of Society.” Hamilton Spectator, 17 May 1996, 3. Available on the Internet at
Ostrov, Hilary. “A Response to Holocaust Denial.” Western Jewish Bulletin, 15 September 1995. Available on the Internet at
Patrick, Kellie. “Schools Warned About Internet Hate Messages.” [Ft. Lauderdale] Sun-Sentinel, 7 Mar. 1998, 1A.
Pron, Nick. “Don’t Shut Down Internet Racists, Forum Urged: Better To ‘Keep It In the Open,’ Crusader Warns.” Toronto Star, 15 Nov. 1996, B6. Available on the Internet at
Riga, Andy. “Hearts and Minds: Battle For Both Rages in Cyberspace.” Edmonton Journal, 30 Mar. 1996, B4. Available on the Internet at
Shannon, Michael. “Cyberhate Goes into Overdrive.” Australia/Israel Review 23 (21 Oct.-11 Nov. 1998): 8-10. Available on the Internet at
Siegel-Itzkovich, Judy. “Fighting Hate on the Web.” Jerusalem Post, 18 Oct. 1998.
Simon Wiesenthal Center. Digital Hate 2000: Interactive Report on the Internet. Los Angeles, CA: The Center, 1999. This CD-ROM report covers some 1400 hate sites, including hate sites for children, racist computer games, and sites employed by foreign extremists employing the World Wide Web to evade local laws and regulations.
Sorensen, Eric. “WSU Grapples With Diversity.” Seattle Times, 27 Apr. 1998.
Sowa, Frank X. “Carnegie-Mellon University: Flashpoint for Net Censorship?” Boardwatch Magazine 10 (Apr. 1996): 74-75.
Stern, Kenneth S. Hate and the Internet. New York: American Jewish Committee, 1999. Available on the Internet at
Stern, Leonard. “Fighting High-Tech Hate.” Ottawa Citizen, 14 Nov. 1995, C3. Available on the Internet at
Swoger, Kate. “Shining Light on Internet’s Seedier Sites: Police are Investigating a Mysterious Racist Web Site Based in Quebec That Uses Anti-Semitic Literature to Attack Jews.” [Montreal] Gazette, 26 Dec.1998, B5. Available on the Internet at
Tadmor-Shimony, Tali. Antisemitism on the Information Superhighway: A Case Study of a UseNet Discussion Group. Analysis of Current Trends in Antisemitism, no. 6. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Vidal Sasoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, 1995. Available on the Internet at
“Technology, Free Speech, Incitement: How to Draw the Line?” Response 19 (Summer 1998): 13.
Thetgyi, Olivia. “ISO Announces Protest Against NU Prof’s Controversial Web Page.” Daily Northwestern, 9 Jan. 1997.
Twing, Shawn L. “ADL Releases Software to Block ‘Internet Hate’ Web Sites.” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 18 (Jan./Feb. 1999): 33, 96.
“Web Hate on the Rise.” Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, 28 Feb. 1997. Available on the Internet at
Weitzman, Mark. “Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial on the Internet.” Paper presented at “The Memory of the Holocaust in the 21st Century: The Challenge for Education,” the Second International Conference on the Holocaust and Education, Yad Vashem, Israel, Oct. 10-14, 1999.
Wosnitza, Regine. “Unwanted Export: Germany Confronts Australian Web-hate.” The Review 24 (Dec. 1999): 12-13. Available on the Internet at
Demidenko, Helen [pseud. of Helen Darville]. The Hand that Signed the Paper. St. Leonards, N.S.W., Australia: Allen & Unwin, 1994. In this novel about an Australian student who discovers that her Ukrainian father and uncle participated in the Holocaust, the author approvingly presents the view that the Jews “got what they deserved,” claiming that the Jews had previously persecuted the Ukrainians and had caused the famine of the 1930s. Although it won several Australian literary awards, many writers condemned the book for being anti-Semitic and presenting a skewed version of history.
Easterman, Daniel. The Final Judgement. New York: HarperPaperbacks, 1996. Neo-Nazi terrorists.
Ozick, Cynthia. The Shawl. 1994. Part of this play concerns a revisionist character (Garner Globalis) who attempts to convince Holocaust survivors that their memories are incorrect and that there was no Holocaust. The revisionist character did not appear in the earlier short story and novella (published New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1989) on which the play is based.
Rubens, Bernice. I, Dreyfus. London: Little, Brown and Company, 1999. A Jewish headmaster at an exclusive English school is framed for murder by a neo-Nazi group known as the Iron Circle.
Sagal, Peter. Denial: A Drama in Two Acts. Woodstock, IL: Dramatic Pub., 1999. This 1995 play is loosely based on denier Arthur Butz of Northwestern University.
Schulman, Helen. The Revisionist: A Novel. New York: Crown Publishers, 1998. The story of a Jewish-American man who, after the break-up of his marriage, becomes fascinated with a French chemist who (after having originally been a Holocaust revisionist) authored an anti-revisionist text. The French author is based on Jean-Claude Pressac.
Maxwell, Elisabeth. Let it Not Come Unto You, All Ye That Pass By! N.p., 1996.
Never Forget. N.p.: Turner Home Entertainment, 1991. 94 min., VHS. The story of Mel Mermelstein’s battle with the Institute of Historical Review, with Leonard Nimoy as Mermelstein.
Baron, Alexander. Bringing History Into Accord With The Facts: The Carto Way. A Critique of “The Barnes Review.” London: Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, 1995. Available on the Internet at
________. The Exterminationist Guidebook – Autumn 1995 Edition. London: Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, 1995.
________. The Final Taboo: A Dissertation On the Jewish Question & Holocaust Revisionism. London: Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, 1997.
________. Holocaust “Revisionism” And Fraud. London: InfoText Manuscripts, 1996.
________. I Don’t Believe In The Holocaust Either, But I’m Too Spineless to Admit It, Says Dr. Roger Eatwell of Bath University – Shock Claim by Distinguished, Liberal Academic! London: Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, 1995.
________. Lowlife in Low Places: The Friends of Holocaust “Revisionist” David Irving Documented in Their Own Words. London: InfoText Manuscripts, 1999.
________. Venality in Academia: The Case of Dr Roger Eatwell, and a Public Statement by Alexander Baron. London: Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, 1995.
Boatman, Robert. “Boise Building Memorial Based on Anne Frank Myth.” Idaho Statesman, 21 July 1998. Available on the Internet at
Duke, David. My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding. Covington, LA: Free Speech Press, 1998. Part III of this book is devoted to “The Jewish Question,” and Chapter 23 is entitled “A Holocaust Inquiry” (396-439).
Goodwin, Raymond. “Revisionist Perspectives on the ‘Holocaust’ Extermination Thesis.” Liberty Bell (Dec. 1991); reprinted in Internet on the Holocaust and Genocide, no. 44-46 (1993): 4, 7. Part of a special issue on “The Denial of Holocaust, Genocide, and Contemporary Massacres,” edited by Israel W. Charny.
Grubach, Paul. “A Revisionist Response.” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 15 (Oct. 1996). Available on the Internet at
________. “You’re Unfair to Revisionists!” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 15 (July 1996): 102. Includes a response from the Editor (102-103). Available on the Internet at
Henry, Martin. “Who Will Be Left to Stand Up?” The [University of Delaware] Review, 5 Dec. 1997.
Hoffman, Michael A., II. “‘Communist Hoax.’” New American 14 (7 Dec. 1998): 2. Available on the Internet at
Kardel, Hennecke. Adolf Hitler – Founder of Israel: Israel in War – With Jews. San Diego, CA: Modjeskis’ Society Dedicated to Preservation of Cultures, 1997.
McClelland, Alexander C. The Answer – Justice. Toronto, N.S.W.: Historical Review Press, 1998. McClelland, an Australian, was a POW of the Germans for four years, including three months in the infamous Small Fortress at Theresienstadt, Czechoslovakia. He has denounced claims of German brutality against Australian and New Zealand POWs as “wild,” has criticized the “untouchable Holocaust mythology,” and writes (p. 352): “Revisionists of the holocaust myth in the past have had to face the immense wealth of Zionist organisation. A no win situation. Hopefully the tide has now turned for Historical Truth.” See his web site at
McGaughey, Carver N. A Majority of One. Cumming, GA: Literati Emprise, 1995.
Mattogno, Carlo. “Deborah Lipstadt: A Review of Denying
the Holocaust.” Trans. Russ Granata. Available on the
Internet at
A translation of a chapter from Olocausto: dilettanti allo
sbaraglio Pierre
Vidal-Naquet, Georges Wellers, Deborah Lipstadt, Till Bastian,
Florent Brayard et alii contro il revisionismo storico, by Carlo
Mattogno (Padova: Edizioni di Ar, 1996).
Mortl, John. “In Defense of Free Speech.” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 15 (Oct. 1996). Available on the Internet at
Mullins, Eustace. The Secret Holocaust. With an addendum by Wm. S. LeGrande. Hayden Lake, ID: Aryan Nations, 1984.
Nishioka, Masanori. “The Greatest Taboo of Postwar World History: There Were No Nazi ‘Gas Chambers.’” Marco Polo (Feb. 1995). Available on the Internet at Translated from Japanese.
Raven, Greg. “Who’s the Liar?” First Things, no. 43 (May 1994): 6. Available on the Internet at
The Revisionist: A Journal of Independent Thought. San Diego, CA: Bradley R. Smith, 1999-2000.
The Revisionist Activist. Coeur d’Alene, ID: The Revisionist Activist, 1998- . Published by Michael A. Hoffman II.
Roques, Henri. “Florent Brayard and the Liars.” [Review of Florent Brayard, Comment l'idée vint à M. Rassinier. Naissance du révisionnisme.] Available on the Internet at
Schuchmann, Josef, and Judith Schuchmann. “Re: You’re Unfair to Revisionists.” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 15 (Oct. 1996). Available on the Internet at
Sheppard, Simon G. Anna Frank’s Novel: The ‘Diary’ is a Fraud. Hull, Yorkshire: Heretical Press, 1998.
________. Social Psychology, Religious Belief, Censorship and the Holocaust. Hull, Yorkshire: Heretical Press, 1998. Available on the Internet at
Smith, Bradley R. “Smith to ‘Sissy’ Hayes: Let’s Share a Beer.” Daily Northwestern, 17 Apr. 1991.
Toben, Fredrick. Political Correctness is No Joke! The Leuchter Case. Norwood, S. Australia: Peace Books, 1995.
Weber, Mark. “Letter to the Editor.” Christianity Today 36 (18 May 1992): 10. Available on the Internet at
________. “Will is Ignorant of Basic Facts of the Holocaust.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 18 Sept. 1993, B2. Available on the Internet at
Weintraub, Ben. The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order. Washington, DC: Cosmo Pub., 1995.
West, Raeto. “Free Speech, the Internet and Holocaust Revisionism.” First published in Ethical Record, this speech (which was given on 12 Oct. 1997 at Conway Hall, London) is available with a few modifications on the Internet at West is a libertarian, and concludes his overview of the issues surrounding revisionism on the Internet by stating that “the ‘Holocaust’ was a largely or completely manufactured story.”
Woods, John S. Was There a “Holocaust”? You Be the “Judge”! Hayden, ID: Christian Law Journal, 1991. Consists of photocopies of pages from the 1934 and 1945 editions of the World Almanac, showing Jewish population figures.
Yahya, Harun [pseud. of Adnan Oktar, a.k.a. Adnan Hodja]. The Holocaust Deception: The Hidden History of Nazi-Zionist Collaboration and the Inner Story of the Hoax of “Jewish Holocaust.” Available on the Internet (with the title The Holocaust Hoax) at A translation of Soykirim Yalani: Siyonist-Nazi Isbirliginin Gizli Tarihi ve "Yahudi Soykirimi" Yalaninin Içyüzü (Istanbul: Alem Yayincilik, 1995), which is available in a new edition (with the title Soykırım Vahşeti) at
The Holocaust Story in the Crossfire: The Weber-Shermer Debate. Newport Beach, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1995.
Made in Russia: The Holocaust. [Carlos W. Porter]
No Holes, No Holocaust. [Frederick Toben.]
Russ Granata Reports on Carlo Mattogno at the First David Irving Real History USA meeting in Cincinnati Ohio 26 September 1999. VHS.
Who Benefits? Uses and Abuses of the Holocaust Campaign. Speeches by Mark Weber, Doug Christie, and Paul Fromm delivered in Dec. 1998 in Toronto.
The Anti-Jewish Page of Divine Toad Sweat:
[No longer online, but archived at]
Bible Believers:
Carlos Whitlock Porter:
Final Conflict:
First Amendment Exercise Machine:
For Folk and Fatherland:
[No longer online, but archived at]
Heretical Press:
Historical Review Press:
Jew Watch:
Nation of Europa:
[No longer online, but archived at]
National Journal:
[No longer online, but archived at]
Norwegian Resource Page/Odin's Lounge:
[No longer online.]
Politically Incorrect:
[No longer online, but archived at]
Ralph Johnson:
[No longer online.]
Yggdrasil's WN Library:
[No longer online, but archived at]
Boissonnas, Rémi. “Revisionism & Holocaust: A Message to American Youth.” Available on the Internet at
Brumlik, Joel, ed. The Messenger That I Sent: A Debate With Those Who Deny the Holocaust. Bryn Mawr, PA: Buy books on the, 1998. A verbatim transcript of over 1,000 messages between Stephanie Brumlik and others on the GEnie network in 1992.
Campbell, Deslee. Confronting Holocaust Denial. Castle Hill, N.S.W.: Shofarot Publications, 1994.
Foxman, Abraham. Review of My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding, by David Duke. Available on the Internet at
Hier, Marvin, and Abraham Cooper. “To Debunk Revisionists: Let the Perpetrators Be Heard.” Response 21 (Winter 1999/2000): 6-7.
Kaye, Ephraim. The Desecraters of Memory: Holocaust Denial, a Marginal Phenomenon or a Real Danger? Methodology for Confrontation. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1997.
Koenig, Michael. “Science is Again Being Perverted.” Jerusalem Post, 3 April 1992; reprinted (as “An Israeli-Survivor Responds to Engineering Claims There Were No Gas Chambers”) in Internet on the Holocaust and Genocide, no. 44-46 (1993): 9, as part of a special issue on “The Denial of Holocaust, Genocide, and Contemporary Massacres,” edited by Israel W. Charny.
Powers, Robert N. Holocaust: The Story of the 103d Infantry Division. N.p.: n.p., 1994. In order to refute the arguments of Holocaust deniers, members of the 103rd Infantry Division Association wrote brief recollections of when they liberated concentration camps at Landsberg and Dachau. Also contains press clippings.
Review of Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, by David Irving. Kirkus Reviews (1 Apr. 1996).
Tiedemann, Markus. “Nobody Was Gassed at Auschwitz”: 60 Rightist Lies and How to Counter Them. Trans. Kenneth Kronenberg. Burwood, Vic.: Dellasta, 1997. [A translation of “In Auschwitz wurde niemand vergast”: 60 rechtsradikale Lügen und wie man sie widerlegt. Mülheim an der Ruhr: Verlag an der Ruhr, 1996.] Excerpts available on the Internet at
Tusa, Ann. “Guilty of Falsifying History.” [Review of Nuremberg: The Last Battle, by David Irving.] Daily Telegraph, 9 Nov. 1996. Available on the Internet at and
Anti-Semitism Update (The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of
Antisemitism and Racism):
Ben Austin's Sociology Corner:
Exposing Denial (Richard J. Green):
Gravediggers of Memory:
Holocaust Revisionism and Neo-Naziism [sic] (Part of the Radical
Religious Right Pages):
Literature of the Holocaust:
Psychosocial Aspects of Holocaust Denial:
RFPI Far Right Web Review:
Stop the Hate:
The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism:
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