Holocaust-Denial Literature: A Third Bibliography

by John A. Drobnicki
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The following article was originally published in The Bulletin of Bibliography, Vol. 55, No. 3 (Sept. 1998): 157-168. Copyright © 1998 by Greenwood Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. Links have been added for materials that are now available online.

This bibliography is a supplement to two earlier ones published in the March 1994 and December 1996 issues of the Bulletin of Bibliography. During the intervening time, Holocaust revisionism has continued to be discussed both in the scholarly literature and the mainstream press. The Holocaust deniers, who prefer to call themselves "revisionists" in an attempt to gain scholarly legitimacy, have refused to go away and remain as vocal as ever--Bradley R. Smith has continued to send revisionist advertisements to college newspapers, generating publicity for his cause.

Holocaust-denial, which will be used interchangeably with Holocaust revisionism in this bibliography, is a body of literature that seeks to "prove" that the Jewish Holocaust did not happen. Although individual revisionists may have different motives and beliefs, they all share at least one point: that there was no systematic attempt by Nazi Germany to exterminate European Jewry. Hence they claim that the Holocaust is a "hoax" perpetrated by Jews ("Zionists") in an attempt to blackmail the rest of the world for sympathy, money, and legitimacy for the State of Israel.

This bibliography includes both works about Holocaust revisionism and works of Holocaust revisionism. Although Holocaust deniers write in many languages, the scope of this project (as with the two previous articles) has been limited to works in English, and Internet addresses (URLs) are provided for materials that are available online. Readers should bear in mind that, because of its unstable nature, Internet addresses often change: URLs were accurate and operative at the time this project was submitted for publication. While this bibliography has been divided into many subject areas, it is acknowledged that many of the entries cross several categories, especially the works in the "General Overview" section.




















American Historical Association. "Statement on Holocaust Denial [Dec. 1991]." Originally published in the AHA's Perspectives newsletter, this statement is available on the Internet at http://www.theaha.org/perspectives/issues/1991/9112/9112RES.CFM.

Anti-Semitism Worldwide. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Project for the Study of Anti-Semitism, 1993- . The latest edition of this biennial report is currently available on the Internet at http://www.tau.ac.il/Anti-Semitism/annual-report.html.html.

Becker, Hershel. "Focus on Holocaust Revisionism: Fighting Ignorance of History ... and of Emuna." Jewish Observer 27 (Oct. 1994): 19-21.

Bennett, Barry. "The Holocaust: Denial and Memory." The Humanist 57 (May/June 1997): 6-8.

Berger, Alan L. "Domesticating the Holocaust." Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 7, no. 1 (1993): 134-153.

Breitman, Richard. "Secrecy and the Final Solution." In New Perspectives on the Holocaust: A Guide for Teachers and Scholars. Ed. Rochelle L. Millen with Timothy A. Bennett, Jack D. Mann, Joseph E. O'Connor, and Robert P. Welker. New York: New York University Press, 1996, 70-82.

Buckler, Steve. "Historical Narrative, Identity and the Holocaust." History of the Human Sciences 9 (Nov. 1996): 1-20.

Cargas, Harry James. "Revisionism and Theology: Two Sides of the Same Coin?" In Contemporary Christian Religious Responses to the Shoah. Ed. Steven L. Jacobs. New York: University Press of America, 1993, 2-13.

Charny, Israel W. "The Psychology of Denial of Known Genocides." In Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review. Vol. 2. Ed. Israel Charny. New York: Facts on File, 1991, 3-37.

Chuman, Joseph. "The Sordid Campaign to Deny the Holocaust." Humanistic Judaism 23 (Winter 1995): 34-40.

Churchill, Ward. A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust and Denial in the Americas, 1492 to the Present. San Francisco: City Light Books, 1997. Excerpts printed as "Assaults on Truth and Memory, Part I," Z Magazine 9 (Dec. 1996): 31-37, and "Assaults on Truth and Memory, Part II," Z Magazine 10 (Feb. 1997): 42-47. [The two Z Magazine articles are available on the Internet at http://zena.secureforum.com/Znet/zmag/zarticle.cfm?Url=articles/cot96church.htm and http://zena.secureforum.com/Znet/zmag/zarticle.cfm?Url=articles/dec96churchill.htm.]

Coleman, Sarah. "Holocaust Scholar Says Deniers Stir Him to Research." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 24 Jan. 1997, 10. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/5350/edition_id/99/format/html/displaystory.html.

Collette, Lin. "Encountering Holocaust Denial." Public Eye 8 (Sept. 1994): 1- 6, 8-9, 11-15. Available on the Internet at http://www.publiceye.org/magazine/v08n3/holodeni.html. Reprinted in Eyes Right! Challenging the Right Wing Backlash. Ed. Chip Berlet. Boston: South End Press, 1995, 246-265.

Curran, Philip Sean. "History on Trial: Holocaust Gets Revisionist Treatment." St. John's Today, 14 Apr. 1997, 1, 8.

Denial of the Holocaust. Hate Propaganda Information Series. Downsview, Ontario: League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith of Canada, 1987.

"Deniers Launch Attacks on 'Diary of Anne Frank.'" Martyrdom and Resistance 24 (Nov.-Dec. 1997): 14.

Dershowitz, Alan. "It's Time for a Holocaust Video." [Albany] Times Union, 4 Sept. 1995, A6.

Diamant, Naomi. "Fighting the Assassins of Memory: Fifty Years On." In The Holocaust: Progress and Prognosis 1934-1944. Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference on Christianity and the Holocaust, Meeting Jointly with the 24th Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the German Church Struggle. Lawrenceville, NJ: The Julius and Dorothy Koppelman Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center at Rider University, 1994, 43-52; reprinted in The Holocaust: Lessons for the Third Generation. Ed. Dominick A. Iorio, Richard L. Libowitz, and Marcia S. Littell. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1997, 1-11.

Drobnicki, John A. "A Response to Mark Weber." Public & Access Services Quarterly 2, no. 3 (1997): 49-58. Available on the Internet at http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/d/drobnicki-john/response-to-weber.html.

Eatwell, Roger. "How to Revise History (and Influence People?), Neo-Fascist Style." In The Far Right in Western and Eastern Europe. 2nd ed. Ed. Luciano Cheles, Ronnie Ferguson, and Michalina Vaughan. New York: Longman, 1995, 309-326.

Fischel, Jack. "Holocaust Denial and the Conspiracy Theory of History." In The Holocaust: Progress and Prognosis 1934-1944. Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference on Christianity and the Holocaust, Meeting Jointly with the 24th Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the German Church Struggle. Lawrenceville, NJ: The Julius and Dorothy Koppelman Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center at Rider University, 1994, 53-61.

"The Forum Interview with Ken McVay, 2 February 1998." McVay is founder and Director of The Nizkor Project. Available on the Internet at http://web.archive.org/web/20020617210804/http://www.hatewatch.org/research.php?op=readarticle&lid=14.

Friedlaender, Saul. Reflections of Nazism: An Essay on Kitsch and Death. Trans. Thomas Weyr. New York: Harper and Row, 1984.

Glick, Jeremy. "Fascism Given Fake Legitimacy." The [Rutgers University] Daily Targum, 5 Nov. 1996.

Hartman, Geoffrey H. The Longest Shadow: In the Aftermath of the Holocaust. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996. Several of these essays, originally presented as the 1994 Helen and Martin Schwartz Lectures in Jewish Studies at Indiana University, touch upon revisionism.

Holocaust Denial: A Pocket Guide. Rev. and expanded ed. New York: Anti- Defamation League, 1997. Available on the Internet at http://www.adl.org/holocaust/introduction.asp.

"Holocaust Moral." Jerusalem Post [International ed.], 16 Apr. 1996, 6.

Huerta, Carlos C. Holocaust Revisionism. DEOMI Special Projects Series Pamphlet 96-2. Washington, DC: Research Directorate, Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, 1996. Available on the Internet at https://www.patrick.af.mil/deomi/Observances%20&%20Demographics/Additional%20Resources/Religious%20Resources/
holocst.htm and http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/orgs/american/united-states/department-of-defense/deomi/.

"Karski Tells Audience at Yad Vashem: Ignore the Holocaust Deniers." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (Jan.-Feb. 1997): 9.

Kulka, Erich. "Denial of the Holocaust." In Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review. Vol. 2. Ed. Israel Charny. New York: Facts on File, 1991, 38-62.

Lipstadt, Deborah E. "Holocaust Denial and the Media: Misunderstanding the Nature of Truth." In Confronting the Holocaust: A Mandate for the 21st Century. Ed. G. Jan Colijn and Marcia Sachs Littell. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1997, 119-132.

Littell, Franklin H. "A Report on 'Historical Revisionism.'" In Report of the 1981 International Council Meeting. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1982, 39-58.

Lukacs, John. "Revising the Twentieth Century." American Heritage 45 (Sept. 1994): 83-87, 89.

MacKenzie, Ian. "Pragmatism, Rhetoric, and History." Poetics Today 16 (Summer 1995): 283-299.

Mandelbaum, Yitta Halberstam. "Denying the Holocaust." Na'amat Woman 10 (Apr. 1995): 16-19.

Maxwell, Elisabeth. "Remembering for the Future: The Symbolism of Auschwitz and Vatican II for Our Times." In Remembrance and Recollection: Essays on the Centennial Year of Martin Niemoeller and Reinhold Niebuhr and the Fiftieth Year of the Wannsee Conference. Ed. Hubert G. Locke and Marcia Sachs Littell. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1996, 111-124.

Moses, Rafael, and Rena Moses-Hrushovski. "Some Sociopsychological and Political Perspectives of the Meaning of the Holocaust: A View From Israel." Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences 34 (1997): 55-68.

Najarian, James. "Gnawing at History: The Rhetoric of Holocaust Denial." Midwest Quarterly 39 (1997): 74-89.

Norris, Christopher. Reclaiming Truth: Contribution to a Critique of Cultural Relativism. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1996.

Pearl, Lesley. "Yad Vashem Educators Seek to Combat Denial." Martyrdom and Resistance 24 (Sept.-Oct. 1997): 8.

Rogers, Robert. "Memory." Daily Texan, 2 May 1996.

Shallit, Jeffrey. "The Shallit Report: Lies of Our Times. How the Words of the Holocaust Deniers and Their Allies Show Them For What They Are." Originally appearing in a University of Waterloo campus publication called The Imprint, an updated version of this article is available from the Nizkor Project at http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/s/shallit-jeffrey/.

Shapiro, Shelly. "Truth Prevails: Demolishing Holocaust Denial." In The Holocaust: Progress and Prognosis 1934-1944. Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference on Christianity and the Holocaust, Meeting Jointly with the 24th Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the German Church Struggle. Lawrenceville, NJ: The Julius and Dorothy Koppelman Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center at Rider University, 1994, 221-249.

Shermer, Michael. "Doing Donahue: History, Censorship, and Free Speech." In Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time, by Michael Shermer. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1997, 175-187.

________. "Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened, and Why Do They Say It?" In Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time, by Michael Shermer. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1997, 188-210.

Stern, Kenneth S. "Denial of the Holocaust: An Antisemitic Political Assault." In Antisemitism in America Today: Outspoken Experts Explode the Myths. Ed. Jerome A. Chanes. New York: Carol Publishing, 1995, 242-257.

Tokuno, Hajime. "Holocaust Denial." Connecticut Skeptic 1 (Spring-Summer 1996).  Available on the Internet at http://web.archive.org/web/20040604235941/http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ctskeptic/holocast.htm and http://web.archive.org/web/20050207190424/http://www.theness.com/articles/holocaust-cs0102.html.

"Two Kinds of Deniers." Alert, no. 19 (Summer 1997): 4-5.

Venezia, Laura N. "An Open Forum for All Ideas." Newsday, 3 Aug. 1993, 75.

Vidal-Naquet, Pierre. The Jews: History, Memory, and the Present. Trans. and ed. David Ames Curtis. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996.

When Hate Comes to Town: Community Responses to Racism and Fascism. Searchlight Community Handbook. London: Searchlight Educational Trust, 1995. Available on the Internet at http://web.archive.org/web/20020201205333/http://www.searchlighteducationaltrust.org/Handbook/HB_Start.html.

White, Hayden. "The Politics of Historical Interpretation: Discipline and De- Sublimination." Critical Inquiry 9 (Sept. 1982): 113-137.

Wiesel, Laurent. "There is No Debate About Whether the Holocaust is Real." Colgate Maroon-News, 7 Nov. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://kendrick.colgate.edu/maroon/archivesf97/nov0797/wiesel.html.

Wiesenfeld, Sheila. The Roots of Hatred: Antisemitism and the Denial of the Holocaust. Montreal: The Author, 1994.

Wilf, Joseph. "On Holocaust Denial." Jewish Post of New York, Feb./Mar. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishpost.com/jp0301/jpn0301a.htm .

Wilkinson, Paul. "Ideological Revisionism: Targets, Strategies and Counter-Strategies." In Trends in Holocaust Revisionism: History as a Political Device. London: Centre for Contemporary Studies, 1985, 12-15.

Yelland, Linda M., and William F. Stone. "Belief in the Holocaust: Effects of Personality and Propaganda." Political Psychology 17 (1996): 551-562.

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Ackerman, Todd. "UT Board Again Flip-Flops, Rejects Holocaust Ad." Houston Chronicle, 30 Apr. 1992, A18.

Alexander, Edward. "Noam Chomsky and Holocaust Denial." In The Jewish Wars: Reflections By One of the Belligerents, by Edward Alexander. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1996, 152-164.

Allen, Charles R., Jr. "Patrick J. Buchanan: Master Holocaust Denier." Reform Judaism 25 (Winter 1996): 26-30, 79. Available on the Internet at http://www.reformjudaismmag.net/1096ca.html.

Alter, Jonathan. "A Columnist Under Fire. Charge: Anti-Semitism." Newsweek 108 (7 July 1986): 64, 67.

"American Nazi Convicted in Germany: Special Report." Justice, no. 15 (Dec. 1997): 27-30. Available on the Internet at http://www.intjewishlawyers.org/docenter/frames.asp?id=9260.

Bellant, Russ. Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party: Domestic Fascist Networks and Their Effect on U.S. Cold War Politics. 3rd ed. Boston: South End Press, 1991.

Berlet, Chip. "The Great Chomsky Debate." Public Eye 8 (Sept. 1994): 7.

Bhansali, Asim, and Brandon Powell. "TSP Board Violates its Policy Not to Print Lies." Daily Texan, 28 Apr. 1992.

Braun, Lauren, and Rebecca Epstein. "Maroon-News Editors Should Have Used Better Discretion." Colgate Maroon-News, 7 Nov. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://kendrick.colate.edu/maroon/archivesf97/nov0797/braun.html.

Burghardt, Tom. "Chicago Professor Fired for Challenging 'Holocaust Revisionist.'" Antifa Info-Bulletin, Supplement 100 (5 Jan. 1997).

Cargas, Harry James. "American Legion: Why the Silence." Martyrdom and Resistance 24 (Sept.-Oct. 1997): 7.

Cockburn, Alexander. "Buckley, Decter and Sobran." Nation 243 (5/12 July 1986): 7.

________. "The Likes of Sobran." Nation 242 (7 June 1986): 785.

Connally, Matthew. "TSP Trades Truth, Integrity for a Few Bucks." Daily Texan, 27 Apr. 1992.

"Control of Ad Content Given to 'Texan' Editor." Daily Texan, 8 Oct. 1996, 7.

Creamer, Anita. "Holocaust Denial Plants Evil Seeds." Sacramento Bee, 24 Nov. 1997, D1.

Dershowitz, Alan M. "A Clifton Newspaper Supports Holocaust Denial." MetroWest Jewish News, 27 Apr. 1995, 5.

Dicker, Fredric U., and Gregg Birnbaum. "Colleges Blitzed With Ads Denying Holocaust." New York Post, 23 Nov. 1997, 3.

Dillow, Gordon. "Conflict, Controversy Surround Willis Carto." Orange County Register, 30 July 1995, A1.

"Ex-Law Professor Tells of Holocaust Survival." Daily Texan, 16 Apr. 1994.

Fitch, Nancy. "Institute Has No Credibility." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 29 Mar. 1998, B7.

Friedman, Joan S. "Advertisement Catered to Antisemitic Revisions of History." Colgate Maroon-News, 7 Nov. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://kendrick.colgate.edu/maroon/archivesf97/nov0797/friedman.html.

Gillis, Malcolm. "Holocaust Denial in College Ads Poison in New Jars." Houston Chronicle, 16 Dec. 1997, 23.

Granberry, Michael. "College Board Leader Survives Ouster Effort." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 21 Oct. 1997, B8.

________. "College Cancels Class on Alleged JFK Death Plots." Los Angeles Times [Home Ed.], 22 Aug. 1997, A3.

________. "College District's Actions Provoke Debate and Dissent." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 9 Sept. 1997, A1.

________. "College Official Denies He is Anti-Semitic." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 17 Sept. 1997, B1.

________. "College Official's Recall Demanded." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 16 Sept. 1997, A1.

________. "Community College Course Claims JFK Conspiracy." Los Angeles Times [Home Ed.], 21 Aug. 1997, A1.

________. "Controversy Follows Orange County Educator." Los Angeles Times [Home Ed.], 25 Nov. 1996, A3.

________. "Judge Awards $6.4 Million to O.C. Revisionist Group." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 16 Nov. 1996, B1.

________. "Revisionists' Founder Sued for $7.5 Million." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 28 Oct. 1996, B1.

________. "Studying the Lessons of Seven J. Frogue." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 25 Nov. 1996, A1.

________. "Swing Vote Could Keep Frogue on as President." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 18 Sept. 1997, B4.

________. "Trial for O.C. Revisionist is Postponed." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 30 Oct. 1996, B5.

Griffiths, Meghan. "More Than 500 Rally Against Intolerance." Daily Texan, 9 Mar. 1993.

Hemmerlein, Sandi. "Holocaust Ad Raises Questions." Colgate Maroon-News, 14 Nov. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://kendrick.colgate.edu/maroon/archivesf97/nov1497/hemmerlein.html.

Henley, Geoff, Patrick Bartoff, and Jeffrey Burk. "Holocaust Revisionism is a Deadly Serious Issue." Daily Texan, 19 Feb. 1993.

"Holocaust Advertisement an Error of Oversight." Colgate Maroon-News, 7 Nov. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://kendrick.colgate.edu/maroon/archivesf97/nov0797/editorial.html.

Hubbard, Benjamin J. "The Truth Must Be Shown When the Holocaust is Denied." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 7 Mar. 1998, B6.

Jacobs, Susan. "Holocaust Denial Ads Resurfacing at College Campuses." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 23 Jan. 1998. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/7876/edition_id/149/format/html/displaystory.html.

Kahriminis, George. "TSP Does Right by Ad." Daily Texan, 22 Feb. 1993.

Kepnes, Steven. "Holocaust is Historical Fact, Not a Matter of Scholarly Debate." Colgate Maroon-News, 7 Nov. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://kendrick.colgate.edu/maroon/archivesf97/nov0797/kepnes.html.

Klos, George. "Who Are These Holocaust Revisionist Scumbags, Anyway?" Daily Texan, 29 Jan. 1992.

Lasson, Kenneth. "Denial on the Campuses: Demonstrably False Ideas Should Not Necessarily Be Protected by Bill of Rights." Baltimore Sun, 4 Jan. 1998, 1F.

Lewis, David. "Responsible Newspaper Would Not Have Published Holocaust Ad." Colgate Maroon-News, 7 Nov. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://kendrick.colgate.edu/maroon/archivesf97/nov0797/lewis.html.

Littwin, Susan. "The New Face of Anti-Semitism." Los Angeles 26 (June 1981): 192-197, 241-243.

Loy, David, and Scott Stanford. "Doctor Ordered to End Political Distributions." Daily Texan, 13 Feb. 1992.

McKay, Mimi Marguerite. "Politics and the Student Press: The Daily Texan and Holocaust Denial." M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1996.

Magner, Denise K. "Adjunct Who Taught About Holocaust is Dismissed." Chronicle of Higher Education, 17 Jan. 1997, A16.

Mooney, Carolyn J. "Anti-Semitic Mailings Investigated at U. of Tennessee Campus." Chronicle of Higher Education, 16 Dec. 1992, A18.

"Most Remember; Some Begin to Deny." Time 141 (3 May 1993): 21.

Nirken, Howard. "Remove TSP Majority." Daily Texan, 22 Feb. 1993.

Noble, Justin. "Ex-Neo-Nazi to Speak at UT." Daily Texan, 4 May 1993.

O'Crowley, Peggy. "Neo-Nazi Group Calls Off Meeting in Elmwood Park." Bergen [N.J.] Record, 18 Sept. 1996.

O'Neil, Robert M. Free Speech in the College Community. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997.

Owen, Susan Marquez. "Embezzlement Suspect Claims Raid on Home Was Illegal." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 16 June 1995, B9.

Pierard, Richard V. "American Evangelicals and Holocaust Denial." In From Prejudice to Destruction: Western Civilization in the Shadow of Auschwitz. Selected Papers of the 1994 Conference "Remembering for the Future II" Berlin: 13-17 March 1994. Ed. G. Jan Colijn and Marcia S. Littell. Muenster: Lit, 1995, 223-345.

Pinsker, Sanford. "Academia's Moral Sink Seen in Campus Papers." Martyrdom and Resistance 22 (May-June 1996): 10, 16.

Pollack, Neal. "Higher Education: Defending Your Lies." New York Times Magazine, 2 Feb. 1997, 19.

Roberts, Regina M. "Ad Questioning Holocaust Stirs Protest at GSU Web Site Listed in Student Paper." Atlanta Constitution, 6 Feb. 1998, D3.

Ross, Jeffrey A., and Melanie L. Schneider. "Antisemitism on the Campus: Challenge and Response." In Antisemitism in America Today: Outspoken Experts Explode the Myths. Ed. Jerome A. Chanes. New York: Carol Publishing, 1995, 267-291.

Ross, Loretta. "White Supremacy in the 1990s." In Eyes Right! Challenging the Right Wing Backlash. Ed. Chip Berlet. Boston: South End Press, 1995, 166-181. Available on the Internet at http://www.publiceye.org/eyes/whitsup.html .

"St. John's Turns Down Ad of Denier Bradley Smith." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (May-June 1997): 12.

"Scholars Confront Genocide, History." Daily Texan, 24 Oct. 1995.

Schwartz, Alan M., ed. Danger: Extremism. The Major Vehicles and Voices on America's Far-Right Fringe. New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1996.

Shoemaker, Crissa. "Prof Says Holocaust Views Cost Him His Job." Daily Northwestern, 29 Oct. 1996.

"Tennessee Professor Finds Fliers Denying the Holocaust Vexing." New York Times, 1 Dec. 1996, Sec. I, 26.

Walsh, Edward. "Professor's Holocaust Views Put Freedom Issues On Line." Washington Post, 12 Jan. 1997, A3.

Why Are Holocaust Deniers Targeting College Campuses? A Special Investigation. Saratoga Springs, NY: Skidmore News, 1994. Special supplement to the 21 Apr. 1994 edition of the Skidmore News.

Wiesel, Laurent. " Maroon-News Should Not Have Printed Holocaust Ad." Colgate Maroon-News, 7 Nov. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://kendrick.colgate.edu/maroon/archivesf97/nov0797/wiesel2.html.

Williamson, Kevin. "Dispute Spurs TSP Resignations." Daily Texan, 24 Apr. 1992.

Wilson, James R. "Ad Denies Truth." Daily Texan, 22 Feb. 1993.

Zeskind, Leonard. "Cartography: Willis Carto Has History of Splits." Intelligence Report, no. 87 (Summer 1997): 12.

________. "Money Matters: Holocaust Denial Leaders Battle Over Millions." Intelligence Report, no. 87 (Summer 1997): 10-11, 13.

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"Abandon Goebbels Book." Martyrdom and Resistance 22 (May-June 1996): 3.

"Author Fined for Denying Holocaust." Jerusalem Post, 1 Mar. 1998, 6.

Bailer-Galanda, Brigitte, and Wolfgang Neugebauer. Incorrigibly Right: Right-Wing Extremists, "Revisionists," and Anti-Semites in Austrian Politics Today. Vienna: Stiftung Dokumentationsarchiv des Oesterreichischen Widerstandes, and New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1996.

Billig, Michael. "Anti-Semitic Themes and the British Far Left: Some Social-Psychological Observations on Indirect Aspects of the Conspiracy Tradition." In Changing Conceptions of Conspiracy. Ed. Carl F. Graumann and Serge Moscovici. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987, 115-136.

________. "The Extreme Right: Continuities in Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory in Post- War Europe." In The Nature of the Right: European and American Politics and Political Thought Since 1789. Ed. Roger Eatwell and Noel O'Sullivan. London: Pinter, 1989, 146-166.

________. Fascists: A Social Psychological View of the National Front. London: Published in cooperation with European Association of Experimental Social Psychology Academic Press, 1978.

Braham, Randolph L., ed. Anti-Semitism and the Treatment of the Holocaust in Postcommunist Eastern Europe. New York: The Rosenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, Graduate Center/The City University of New York, and Boulder: Social Science Monographs, 1994. Several of the essays touch upon Holocaust revisionism and/or how the Holocaust has been ignored in various Eastern European countries.

Cesarani, David. "Bad and Dangerous." New Statesman & Society 5 (10 July 1992): 19-20. Available on the Internet at http://www.fpp.co.uk/docs/press/items/NewStatesm100792.html.

Chaddock, Gail Russell. "Cleric's Comments Ignite the Fury of French Media." Christian Science Monitor, 25 July 1996, 5.

Cohen, Debra Nussbaum. "Publisher Drops Book by Holocaust Denier." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 12 Apr. 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/3368/edition_id/60/format/html/displaystory.html.

"Controversy Rocks the Publishing World." Skeptic 4, no. 2 (1996): 14-15.

"Denial Results in Suspension for French High School Teacher." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (Mar.-Apr. 1997): 13.

Ellingsen, Peter. "Historian With a Past." Sydney Morning Herald, 22 June 1996, 8S.

"Far Right French Leader Pays for His Remarks on Holocaust." Martyrdom and Resistance 24 (Jan.-Feb. 1998): 16

"Farrakhan's NOI Protects Holocaust Denier." Response 17 (Winter 1996/97): 8.

Farrell, Nicholas. "The Right Sort of Party." The Spectator 278 (8 Mar. 1997): 19.

________. "Sleeping With the Enemy." The Spectator 276 (27 Apr. 1996): 16.

"Fine for Holocaust Denial." Guardian, 25 Mar. 1997, 14.

Flamm, Matthew. "Goebbelsdygook." Entertainment Weekly, no. 365 (7 Feb. 1997): 63.

"French Priest: Once Revered, Now Linked With Revisionist." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (Sept.-Oct. 1996): 15.

"French Scholar Probed for Book Denying Holocaust." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 10 May 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/3599/edition_id/64/format/html/displaystory.html.

Friedlander, Judith. "Anti-Semitism in France, 1978-1992: Questions and Debates." In Auschwitz and After: Race, Culture, and "the Jewish Question" in France. Ed. Lawrence D. Kritzman. New York: Routledge, 1995, 63-80.

Fullerton, Maryellen. Germany for Germans: Xenophobia and Racist Violence in Germany. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1995.

Gray, Paul, with Michael Brunton and Andrea Sachs. "Revisiting a Revisionist." Time 147 (15 Apr. 1996): 103. Available on the Internet at http://www.fpp.co.uk/StMartinsPress/TimeJG.html.

Harris, David A. "We Must Not Give Aid to Holocaust Distorters." New York Newsday, 15 June 1992, 34-35.

Heilbrunn, Jacob. "Out to Lunch: Meet the Real David Irving." New Republic 215 (21 Oct. 1996): 14-15. Available on the Internet at http://www.fpp.co.uk/docs/press/items/NewRepubl211096.html.

Henderson, Emma. "Professor Denied Court to Dispute Nazi Genocide." Times Higher Education Supplement, no. 961 (5 Apr. 1991): 10.

Hitchens, Christopher. "Hitler's Ghost." Vanity Fair, no. 430 (June 1996): 72, 74. Available on the Internet at http://www.fpp.co.uk/StMartinsPress/Hitchens0696.html.

"Hitler's Evil Genius: Biography of Joseph Goebbels." The Economist 339 (13 Apr. 1996): 82.

"Holocaust Denial A Staple for Moslem Militants." Response 17 (Summer/Fall 1996): 8.

"Holocaust Denier Fired." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 24 Jan. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/5340/edition_id/99/format/html/displaystory.html.

Jackson, Linda. "Anne Frank's Diary is Target for Neo-Nazis." Sunday Telegraph, 16 Mar. 1997, 5.

Johnson, Douglas. "French Historians and the Holocaust." History Today 46 (Oct. 1996): 2-4.

________. "Where It's Left-Wing to Deny the Holocaust." The Spectator 276 (15 June 1996): 22-23.

Jones, Jeremy. "Holocaust Denier David Irving Loses Appeal to Enter Australia." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 9 Aug. 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/4181/edition_id/76/format/html/displaystory.html.

Joseph, Nadine. "Revisionist's U.C. Ejection Shocks Hillel Protestors." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 10 Feb. 1995, 29.

Kulka, Erich. "Another Face of Anti-Semitism: Denying the Shoah." In Anti- Semitism in Post-Totalitarian Europe. Prague: Franz Kafka Publishers, 1993, 63-81.

Kurlansky, Mark. "Letter from Slovakia." Partisan Review 60 (Spring 1993): 201-206.

Kushner, Tony. "The Fascist as 'Other'? Racism and Neo-Nazism in Contemporary Britain." Patterns of Prejudice 28, no. 1 (1994): 27-45.

"Le Pen and Friends." Response 19 (Winter/Spring 1998): 6.

Lee, Martin A. The Beast Reawakens. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1997.

Lever, Robert. "Bullyboy." Present Tense 15 (Jan.-Feb. 1988): 44-46.

Lyotard, Jean Francois. The Differend: Phrases in Dispute. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988. Discusses some of the arguments of Robert Faurisson.

Mitgang, Herbert. "Stop the Presses." Chicago Tribune, 14 Apr. 1996, Sec. VII, 17.

"Munich U. Revisionist Checked." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (Sept.-Oct. 1996): 4.

Neier, Aryeh. "Publishing & Perishing." Nation 262 (6 May 1996): 6-7.

"No Go for Goebbels Book at Barricade." Publishers Weekly 244 (31 Mar. 1997): 20.

Oder, Norman. "Irving Agent Blasts SMP, Leaves Author." Publishers Weekly 243 (15 Apr. 1996): 14.

________. "Irving Asked to Return Morrow Advance; Sees Goebbels Fallout." Publishers Weekly 243 (1 July 1996): 14.

"Priest Said to Leave France After Criticism." New York Times, 30 May 1996, A4.

Randal, Jonathan C. "Paris Brings Down Priestly Paragon: Errant WWII Hero Abbe Pierre, at 83, Finds Favor Fleeting." Washington Post, 3 July 1996, A27.

Reid, Calvin, and Norman Oder. "St. Martin's Drops Goebbels Book: 'We Made a Mistake.'" Publishers Weekly 243 (8 Apr. 1996): 17.

Rembiszewski, Sarah. The Final Lie: Holocaust Denial in Germany. A Second- Generation Denier as a Test Case. Tel Aviv: Faculty of Humanities Project for the Study of Anti-Semitism, Tel Aviv University, 1996.

Riding, Alan. "French Icon Falls From Grace, in Debate on Holocaust: Abbe Pierre's Support of Revisionist R. Garaudy." New York Times, 1 May 1996, A10.

Rosenbaum, Ron. "David Irving: The Big Oops." In Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil, by Ron Rosenbaum. New York: Random House, 1998, 221- 236.

"St. Martin's Press Cancels Holocaust Denier's Book." ADL on the Frontline (May/June 1996): 11.

Wall, Alexandra J. "German Tourism Worker Fired for Holocaust Denial Views." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 9 June 1995. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/20959/edition_id/431/format/html/displaystory.html.

Wasserman, Joanne. "Face to Face With Holocaust Denial." [New York] Daily News, 5 Apr. 1996, 35.

Webster, Paul. "Abbe Defends Philosopher Accused of Anti-Semitism." Guardian, 22 Apr. 1996, sec. I, 8.

Yanowitch, Lee. "Priest Who Backed Holocaust Denier is Homebound." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 14 June 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/3871/edition_id/69/format/html/displaystory.html.

Yardley, Jonathan. "A First Amendment Wrong." Washington Post, 8 Apr. 1996, D2.

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This section is by no means exhaustive, since the various Ernst Zundel cases were covered by many Canadian publications. There is a useful list of "Zundel Citations in the Media" archived on Greg Raven's web site at http://www.corax.org/revisionism/misc/zundelcite.html.

Ages, Arnold. "Canada's Trials and Investigations." B'nai B'rith International Jewish Monthly 100 (Nov. 1985): 24-27, 36.

"Antisemitic, but Not Hate?" Response 19 (Winter/Spring 1998): 14.

Blair, J. Anthony. "The Keegstra Affair: A Test Case for Critical Thinking." History and Social Science Teacher 21 (Spring 1986): 158-164.

Braun, Stefan. "Are Criminal Trials of Hate-Mongers Self-Defeating? Emerging Lessons from the Canadian Experience." Jewish Spectator 57 (Fall 1992): 26-28.

Davies, Alan T. "Keegstra in Red Deer." Touchstone 5 (Jan. 1987): 33-39.

"Denier Can Reapply to Become a Citizen." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 9 Aug. 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/4198/edition_id/76/format/html/displaystory.html.

Elliott, David R. "Anti-Semitism and the Social Credit Movement: The Intellectual Roots of the Keegstra Affair." Canadian Ethnic Studies 17, no. 1 (1985): 78-89.

"Episodes of Recurring Hatred." America 152 (23 Mar. 1985): 225.

Farber, Bernie M., ed. From Marches to Modems: A Report on Organized Hate in Metro Toronto. North York, Ontario: Canadian Jewish Congress, Ontario Region, 1997. Available on the Internet at http://www.cjc.ca/docs/RD/98_Marches to Modems.doc and http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/orgs/canadian/canadian-jewish-congress/marches-to-modems/mtm-000.

Gladstone, Bill. "Racist Quote in Magazine Stirs Brouhaha." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 31 May 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/3746/edition_id/67/format/html/displaystory.html.

Hare, William. "Limiting the Freedom of Expression: The Keegstra Case." Canadian Journal of Education 15 (Fall 1990): 375-389.

Kallen, Evelyn, and Lawrence Lam. "Target for Hate: The Impact of the Zundel and Keegstra Trials on a Jewish-Canadian Audience." Canadian Ethnic Studies 25, no. 1 (1993): 9-24.

"Keegstra: Shame of Canada's Courts." Response 15 (Fall/Winter 1994/95): 11.

Kopvillem, Peeter. "Guilty as Charged: James Keegstra Reaches the End of the Line." Maclean's 109 (11 Mar. 1996): 24.

Lee, Robert Mason. "Keegstra's Children." Saturday Night 100 (May 1985): 38-46.

Levendel, Lewis. A Century of the Canadian Jewish Press, 1880s-1980s. Ottawa: Borealis Press, 1989.

McVay, Ken. "He is the Hollow Man: Ernst Zundel is Revealed as Empty While on Trial for Promoting Hatred Over the Net." The Convergence (11 Apr. 1997). An electronic journal article.

Mock, Karen. "Anti-Semitism in Canada: Realities, Remedies & Implications For Anti- Racism." In Perspectives on Racism and the Human Services Sector: A Case for Change. Ed. Carl E. James. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996, 120-133.

________. "Combatting Racism and Hate in Canada Today: Lessons of the Holocaust." Canadian Social Studies 29 (Summer 1995): 143-146.

Nefsky, Marilyn F. "Current Status of Three Canadian Hate Mongers: Keegstra, Z�ndel and Ross." In From Prejudice to Destruction: Western Civilization in the Shadow of Auschwitz. Selected Papers of the 1994 Conference "Remembering for the Future II" Berlin: 13- 17 March 1994. Ed. G. Jan Colijn and Marcia S. Littell. Muenster: Lit, 1995, 199-221.

Podmore, Christopher. "Our Freedoms of Expression: Reflections on the Zundel and Keegstra Affairs." Humanist in Canada 18 (Winter 1985): 16-17.

Prutschi, Manuel. "Hate Groups and Bigotry's Fellow Travellers." Currents 6 (Oct. 1990): 8.

Rabkin, Yakov M. "Beyond the Zundel Trial." Viewpoints 14, no. 4 (1986): 7.

Schwartz, Arthur M. "Teaching Hatred: The Politics and Morality of Canada's Keegstra Affair." Canadian and International Education 15, no. 2 (1986): 5-28.

"Update on Canada's Extremists." Response 17 (Winter 1996/97): 13.

"Veteran Journalist Accused of Violating B.C. Human Rights Act." Response 18 (Fall 1997): 12-13.

"Victory Against Hate." Toronto Star, 8 Apr. 1996, A14.

"A Victory for Zundel." Maclean's 109 (12 Aug. 1996): 16.

Vigod, B. L. "When the System Fails: The Malcolm Ross Case in New Brunswick." Review of Anti-Semitism in Canada (1987): 28-34.

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Goodman, David G. "Japanese Anti-Semitism: It's Real, It's Obscene, and It's Potentially Dangerous." World & I 2 (Nov. 1987): 401-409.

Jacobs, Mike. "On Holocaust Denial and Japanese Judges." Jerusalem Post, 23 Sept. 1997, 6.

"Japan: Confronting Holocaust Deniers." Response 18 (Fall 1997): 14.

"Japanese Court Refuses French Holocaust Denier Testimony." Response 19 (Winter/Spring 1998): 10.

"Publisher Closes 'Marco Polo' for Holocaust Denial." Daily Yomiuri, 31 Jan. 1995, 1.

Schudrich, Michael J. "Antisemitism in Japan." IJA Research Reports, no. 12 (Dec. 1987): 8-11.

Tugend, Tom. "Japanese Publisher to Make Amends for Holocaust Denial." Jerusalem Post, 6 Feb. 1995, 4.

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Armstrong, Diane. "Malicious Agenda." Australian Author 28 (Autumn 1996): 4.

Jones, Jeremy. "Holocaust Denial: 'Clear and Present' Racial Vilification." Australian Journal of Human Rights 1 (Dec. 1994): 169-180. Available on the Internet at http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/ahric/ajhr/V1N1/ajhr1110.html.

Jones, Jeremy, with the assistance of Sue Lederer. Report on Antisemitism in Australia: 1 October 1995-30 September 1996. Darlinghurst, NSW: Australia/Israel Publications, 1996.

________. Report on Antisemitism in Australia: 1 October 1996-30 September 1997. Darlinghurst, NSW: Australia/Israel Publications, 1997.

Liberman, Serge. "Holocaust Denial." Australian Author 28 (Autumn 1996): 4.

Rubinstein, Hilary L. "Early Manifestations of Holocaust Denial in Australia." Journal of the Australian Jewish Historical Society 14 (Nov. 1997): 93-109.

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Carmon, Yigal, and Meyrav Wurmser. "On Fire With Hate." Washington Post, 7 Feb. 1998, A23.

Davis, Douglas. "Mideast Defenders of Garaudy." Jerusalem Post, 2 Mar. 1998, 17.

"Egyptians in Denial." Response 17 (Winter 1996/97): 8-9.

Fisk, Robert. "A Blind Eye to History." The Independent, 30 Aug. 1996, 12.

________. "Rewriting History Appeals to Arabs in Denial." The Independent, 1 Feb. 1998, 14.

"French Holocaust Denier Finds Support in Arab World." Response 17 (Summer/Fall 1996): 9.

Goldberg, Nicholas. "Palestinian View of Holocaust." Newsday, 22 Jan. 1998, A25.

"Intellectuals Support Holocaust Denial." Response 19 (Winter/Spring 1998): 8.

Kohn, Moshe. "The Antisemitic Professor." Jerusalem Post, 6 Feb. 1998, 26.

"PA to Check Holocaust Denial." Jerusalem Post, 28 Aug. 1997, 3.

"Palestine TV: Holocaust Myth Used for Profit." Response 18 (Fall 1997): 3.

"Palestinian TV in Holocaust Furor." Toronto Sun, 28 Aug. 1997, 46.

Vorzman, Elan. "Israelis Don't Vilify Arabs." Daily Texan, 14 Apr. 1995.

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"In Brazil..." Response 17 (Winter 1996/97): 10.

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Bindman, Geoffrey. "Outlawing Holocaust Denial." New Law Journal 147 (28 Mar. 1997): 466, 468.

Bristow, Jennie. "Who's Afraid of Holocaust Denial?" Living Marxism, no. 97 (Feb. 1997).

Cesarani, David. "Why We Must Outlaw These Race Lies." Guardian, 30 Jan. 1997, Sec. I, 19.

Delacourt, John T. "Recent Development: The International Impact of Internet Regulation." Harvard International Law Journal 38 (Winter 1997): 207-230.

Dixon, John. "The Politics of Opinion." Canadian Forum 66 (Apr. 1986): 7- 10.

Dworkin, Ronald. "The Unbearable Cost of Liberty." Index on Censorship 24 (May-June 1995): 43-46.

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee C. Minutes of Proceedings on the Holocaust Denial Bill. HC 382. London: HMSO, 1997.

Greenberg, Sally. "Threats, Harassment, and Hate On-Line: Recent Developments." Boston Public Interest Law Journal 6 (Spring 1997): 673-696.

Harding, Luke. "Blair Favors Holocaust Denial Ban." Guardian, 30 Jan. 1997, Sec. I, 8.

Heinrichs, Terry. "Free Speech and the Zundel Trial." Queen's Quarterly 95 (Winter 1988): 837-854.

"Holocaust Denial: Criminal Offense?" Response 17 (Winter 1996/97): 8.

Josephs, Bernard. "Labour Pledge to Legislate Against Holocaust Denial." Jewish Chronicle, 4 Oct. 1996, 20.

Landon, Janine. "The Right to Equal Concern and Respect Versus the Right to Freedom of Expression: The Case of Holocaust Denial." M.A. thesis, University of Essex, 1995.

Lasson, Kenneth. "Holocaust Denial and the First Amendment: The Quest for Truth in a Free Society." George Mason Law Review 6 (Fall 1997): 35-86.

Lerman, Antony. "Wrong Way to Stop Lies About the Holocaust: A Bill to Outlaw 'Holocaust Denial' is Misguided." The Independent, 29 Jan. 1997, 17.

McVay, Ken. "It's Not Really About Free Speech: Ernst Zundel is Using Freedom of Speech to Avoid the Real Issue Hate." The Convergence (6 Jan. 1997). An electronic journal article.

Mahoney, Kathleen. "R. v. Keegstra: A Rationale for Regulating Pornography?" McGill Law Journal 37 (Apr. 1992): 242-269.

Martin, Robert. "Group Defamation in Canada." In Group Defamation and Freedom of Speech: The Relationship Between Language and Violence. Ed. Monroe H. Freedman and Eric M. Freedman. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995, 191-217.

Moon, Richard. "Drawing Lines in a Culture of Prejudice: R. v. Keegstra and the Restriction of Hate Propaganda." University of British Columbia Law Review 26 (1992): 99-143.

O'Neil, Robert M. "The Internet in the College Community." Northern Illinois University Law Review 17 (Spring 1997): 191-203.

Ramraj, Victor V. "Keegstra, Butler, and Positive Liberty: A Glimmer of Hope for the Faithful." University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 51 (Spring 1993): 304-330.

Seemann, Jacquie. "Combating Anti-Semitism: Is Legislation an Answer?" Generation: A Journal of Australian Jewish Life, Thought and Community 1 (Feb. 1990): 25-31.

Solomon, Tasmin. "Problems in Drafting Legislation Against Racist Activities." Australian Journal of Human Rights 1 (Dec. 1994). Available on the Internet at http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/ahric/ajhr/V1N1/ajhr1117.html.

Somers, Michael G. "Hate Propaganda and Freedom of Expression in a Multicultural Society (Canada)." LL.M. thesis, York University (Canada), 1993.

Tishler, Gerald, Irwin Cotler, Alan Dershowitz, and Arthur Berney. "When Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech Confront Holocaust Denial and Group Libel: Comparative Perspectives." Boston College Third World Law Journal 8 (Winter 1988): 65-90. Revised version of a panel discussion that was first published in Cardozo Law Review 8 (1987).

United Nations, Human Rights Committee. "Restrictions on Freedom of Expression for Denial of the Holocaust Under the 1990 Gayssot Act/Author's Conviction Justified/Faurisson v. France: Decision of 8 November 1996 Views of the Human Rights Committee Under Article 5, Paragraph 4, of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Concerning Communication No. 550/1993 Submitted by: Robert Faurisson State Party Concerned: France." Human Rights Law Journal 18 (29 Aug. 1997): 40-49. The Human Rights Committee's decision is also available on the Internet at http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/385c2add1632f4a8c12565a9004dc311/4c47b59ea48f7343802566f200352fea?OpenDocument and http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/undocs/html/VWS55058.htm.

Weinrib, Lorraine Eisenstat. "Hate Promotion in a Free and Democratic Society: R. v. Keegstra." McGill Law Journal 36 (Dec. 1991): 1416-1449.

Weiss, David E. "Striking a Difficult Balance: Combatting the Threat of Neo-Nazism in Germany While Preserving Individual Liberties." Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 27 (1994): 899-939.

Yonover, Geri J. "Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial in the Academy: A Tort Remedy." Dickinson Law Review 101 (Fall 1996): 71-94.

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Drobnicki, John A. "Librarians Seek Answers For Literature of Denial." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (May-June 1997): 12, 15. Available on the Internet at http://www.york.cuny.edu/~drobnick/answers.html.

Erspamer, Peter. "Educate, Not Censor." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (Mar.- Apr. 1997): 14.

Fialkoff, Francine. "To Buy or Not to Buy? Media Attention Shouldn't Legitimize Buying the Insidious Goebbels Biography." Library Journal 121 (15 Apr. 1996): 70.

Hurst, Rhandon. "Keep Books in Libraries." Daily Texan, 18 Apr. 1996.

Myers, David Gershom. "Denial is Not Speech." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (Mar.-Apr. 1997): 14.

Nadel, Stan. "Consequences of Censorship: Endless and Disastrous." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (Mar.-Apr. 1997): 14, 16.

Rogers, Robert. "Nasty Books." Daily Texan, 15 Apr. 1996.

Schwartz, Philip. "Ban Holocaust Books." Daily Texan, 16 Apr. 1996.

"Tennessee Prof. Battling Deniers of the Holocaust." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (Jan.-Feb. 1997): 10.

"Texas A&M Professor Stirs Holocaust Denial Debate." Library Journal 121 (15 May 1996): 11.

Thomas, Lemuel B. "A&M Professor Wants Books Denying Holocaust Off School's Library Shelves." Daily Texan, 15 Apr. 1996.

Wolkoff, Kathleen Nietzke. "The Problem of Holocaust Denial Literature in Libraries." Library Trends 45 (Summer 1996): 87-96.

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"Abusing Academic Freedom to Mainstream Conspiratorial Mindset." Response 18 (Fall 1997): 11.

Benton-Evans, Ray. "Just Before You Close the Book on Keegstra ... Does He Exist in Every Classroom?" Journal of Educational Thought 31 (Aug. 1997): 123-136.

Cesarani, David. "Extermination in Negative." Times Higher Education Supplement, no. 1144 (7 Oct. 1994): 17.

Friedrichs, Christopher R. "Teaching the Unteachable: A Canadian Perspective." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 548 (Nov. 1996): 94-104.

Huerta, Carlos C., and Dafna Shiffman-Huerta. "Holocaust Denial Literature: Its Place in Teaching the Holocaust." In New Perspectives on the Holocaust: A Guide for Teachers and Scholars. Ed. Rochelle L. Millen with Timothy A. Bennett, Jack D. Mann, Joseph E. O'Connor, and Robert P. Welker. New York: New York University Press, 1996, pp. 186-195.

Kirman, Joseph M. "James Keegstra and the Eckville High School Incident: A Chronology and Comment on Professional Response to Bigoted Teaching." History and Social Science Teacher 21 (Summer 1986): 209-213.

McCormick, John. "The Holocaust's New Lessons: In Winnetka's 8th Grade, a War of Remembrance." Newsweek 116 (3 Dec. 1990): 52.

Mock, Karen. "Freedom of Expression vs. Political Correctness Where Do You Draw the Line?" Canadian Social Studies 30 (Fall 1995): 2-4.

________. "Presenting 'the Other Side.'" Canadian Social Studies 30 (Summer 1996): 159-160.

Pearl, Lesley. "Auschwitz Diaries Combat Classroom Revisionist." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 11 Apr. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/5903/edition_id/110/format/html/displaystory.html.

Shore, Paul J. "Teachers and the Problem of Holocaust 'Ownership.'" In The Holocaust: Lessons for the Third Generation. Ed. Dominick A. Iorio, Richard L. Libowitz, and Marcia S. Littell. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1997, 35-44.

Short, Geoffrey. "Teaching About the Holocaust: A Consideration of Some Ethical and Pedagogic Issues." Educational Studies 20 (1994): 53-67.

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Abramowitz, Jeff. "How to Answer Holocaust-Deniers." Jerusalem Post, 2 May 1997, 7.

"Anti-Hate Activist Wins Web Site Award." The Computer Paper (May 1996).

Beck, Greg. "Hate Groups Face a Tangle With Net Foes." San Francisco Examiner, 10 June 1996; repr. in San Diego Union-Tribune, 28 June 1996, E1, E4.

Bray, Hiawatha. "UMass Shuts Down Web Site Containing Neo-Nazi Material." Boston Globe, 2 Feb. 1996, 28.

Brumlik, Joel. "A Soldier of Remembrance Dedicated Her Lifetime to Fighting for the Truth." Martyrdom and Resistance 24 (Sept.-Oct. 1997): 14.

Campbell, K. K. "Welcome to the Webbies." eye Weekly, 28 Mar. 1996.

"Canadian Revisionist on Web." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (Mar.-Apr. 1997): 13.

Capitanchik, David, and Michael Whine. The Governance of Cyberspace: Racism on the Internet. JPR Policy Paper, no. 2. London: Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.jpr.org.uk/Reports/CS_Reports/PP_2_1996/index.htm.

Carpenter, Rebecca. "Web of Hate." Canadian Business 69, no. 5 (Spring 1996): 12.

Chesick, Robbie. "Battling Cyber-Hate." Mind Wave (May 1995): 42-43.

Cobb, Chris. "Neo-Nazi's Internet Messages Get Boost From U.S. Activists." Ottawa Citizen, 3 Feb. 1996, A1.

Cohen, Debra Nussbaum. "As Hate Finds Home on Internet, Jews Ponder Action." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 8 Mar. 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/3115/edition_id/55/format/html/displaystory.html.

Coughlin, Kevin. "Teens Left to Ponder Internet Right-Wingers: Sites That Deny Holocaust Lead 'Hate Parade.'" [Newark, N.J.] Star-Ledger, 23 Oct. 1996, 15.

Cytrynbaum, Pamela. "Web Site Entangles NU in Free-Speech Debate." Chicago Tribune, 29 Dec. 1996, Sec. I, 1, 16.

DeRuiter, Susan. "Students Urged to Combat Hatred." inPort (4 Dec. 1996). This article has been archived by the Nizkor Project at http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/people/m/mcvay.ken/press/in-port.961204.

Diskind, Miriam. "Arthur Butz Revisited." Martyrdom and Resistance 24 (Sept.-Oct. 1997): 7.

Drobnicki, John A. "The Nizkor Project and the Fight Against Holocaust-Denial." The 'Net Homesteader 1, no. 4 (Oct./Nov. 1996).

Dutton, Ian. "Holocaust Survivors Encourage Students to Find Truth: UVic Symposium Tells Teens of Second World War Atrocities, Warns of Modern Hate Movements." Victoria Times Colonist, 24 May 1996.

Eatwell, Roger. "Surfing the Great White Wave: The Internet, Extremism and the Problem of Control." Patterns of Prejudice 30, no. 1 (1996): 61-71.

Etting, Mark. "Netlink Counters Hate Mongering." Marketing Magazine 101 (8 Apr. 1996): 31.

Friedman, Matthew. "Nizkor: An Antidote to Hate." NetGuide Magazine 3 (Aug. 1996): 34-35.

Grace, Kevin Michael. "The Lure of Forbidden Fruit." Alberta Report/Western Report 23 (13 May 1996): 43.

"Hate, Mayhem and Terrorism on the Internet." Response 17 (Summer/Fall 1996): 5.

"Hate on the Web." Maclean's 110 (27 Oct. 1997): 25.

"High-Tech Hate." Public Eye 8 (Sept. 1994): 19.

Hipschman, David. "Dealing With Hate on the Net." Web Review (Nov. 10- 21, 1995). An electronic journal article.

Hoffman, David S. The Web of Hate: Extremists Exploit the Internet. New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1996.

"The Holocaust and the Internet." Tampa Tribune, 13 Jan. 1997, 6.

"Holocaust Hoax Prompts Free Speech Debate." Jerusalem Post, 12 Jan. 1997, 4.

"Internet Activists Aid Neo-Nazi on Web." Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, 9 Feb. 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/2930/edition_id/51/format/html/displaystory.html.

"Internet Ethics: Canadians' Historic First." Response 17 (Winter 1996/97): 13.

"Internet Server Home to Racist Sites." [Toronto] Globe and Mail, 20 July 1996.

Janofsky, Michael. "Anti-Defamation League Warns of Web Hate Sites." New York Times, 22 Oct. 1997, p. A24.

Jones, Jeremy. "Hi-Tech Hate." Australia/Israel Review 20 (1-15 July 1995): 10.

Kalish, John. "Web Offers Abundant Holocaust Information." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (May-June 1997): 14, 16.

Kilian, Crawford. "Nazis on the Net." The Georgia Straight, 11 Apr. 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.freedomsite.org/cpn/georgia_straight.html and http://www.virtualschool.edu/mon/SocialConstruction/NazisOnTheNet.html.

Kotzin, Michael. "Ifs, Ands and Butz." Forward, 7 Feb. 1997, 1, 11.

Lindgren, April. "Activist Urges Caution in Online War on Hate: Censoring Internet Risky, MPs Warned." Ottawa Citizen, 1 May 1996, A5. Available on the Internet at http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/people/m/mcvay.ken/press/ottawa.960501.

Lorenz-Meyer, Lorenz. "Nizkor We Shall Remember." Der Spiegel Online, 18 Oct. 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/orgs/german/der-spiegel-online/.

McCormick, Edith. "Users Slam Gale's Review of Revisionist Web Site." American Libraries 27 (Jan. 1997): 15-16.

Mendels, Pamela. "Professor Puts Holocaust Theories Online, Prompting Accusations at Northwestern." CyberTimes: The New York Times on the Web, 10 Jan. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://www.nytimes.com/library/cyber/week/011097holocaust.html.

Mock, Karen R. "Hate on the Internet." Canadian Social Studies 32 (Fall 1997): 5-6.

Mock, Steve. "Jews in Cyberspace." Images, no. 15 (Apr. 1995): 1, 3.

Nordgren, Sarah, Mark Goldsher, Jerome B. Cohen, and Ben Austin. "Arthur Butz: Controversy Revisited." Martyrdom and Resistance 23 (Mar.-Apr. 1997): 13.

"Northwestern Provides Holocaust Denier a Free Ride." Response 18 (Spring/Summer 1997): 16.

Olson, Elizabeth G. "As Hate Spills Onto the Web, a Struggle Over Whether, and How, to Control It." New York Times, 24 Nov. 1997, D11.

"Public Prosecutors Investigate Rightwing Institute's Suitability for the Net." The Week in Germany (23 Feb. 1996): 7.

Quittner, Joshua. "Home Pages for Hate: Simon Wiesenthal Center Urges Limits for Hate Speech on the Net." Time 147 (22 Jan. 1996): 69.

"Radio Islam: Free to Hate?" Response 19 (Winter/Spring 1998): 13.

Reynolds, Paul. "The Nizkor Project: Antidote to Depressing Revisionism." The Dominion, 5 Feb. 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/orgs/canadian/nizkor-project/press/dominion.0296.

Rogers, James G., Jr. "Northwestern Should Pull Plug on Butz." Tampa Tribune, 26 Jan. 1997, 3.

Schwartz, John. "With Innovative Use, the Web Empowers the First Amendment." Washington Post, 15 July 1996, WB19.

Seidman, Karen. "Students Shown How Hate Literature Has Worked Its Way Into the Internet." Montreal Gazette, 18 Apr. 1996, E11.

Sitman, David. "Propagating Anti-Semitism on the Internet." Justice, no. 12 (Mar. 1997): 3-11. Available on the Internet at http://www.intjewishlawyers.org/docenter/frames.asp?id=9257.

"Sweden Fights Holocaust Denial With Web Site." Atlanta Journal and Constitution, 16 Jan. 1998, 17A.

"U. of Mass Blocks Denier From Access on Internet." Martyrdom and Resistance 22 (May-June 1996): 10.

Wertheimer, Douglas. "Butz is Back: Northwestern Holocaust Denier Marks an Anniversary With a Page on the Internet's World Wide Web." Baltimore Jewish Times, 14 June 1996, 88.

Whine, Michael. "Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial in the Internet Era." Justice, no. 13 (June 1997): 21-26. Available on the Internet at http://www.intjewishlawyers.org/docenter/frames.asp?id=9258.

________. "The Far Right on the Internet." In The Governance of Cyberspace: Politics, Technology and Global Restructuring. Ed. Brian D. Loader. New York: Routledge, 1997, 209-227.

"Wiesenthal Center Nails British Columbia Internet Hate Provider." Response 19 (Winter/ Spring 1998): 12.

Wijayawardhana, Duleepa. "Holocaust Denial: Out of Control." The Muse, 10 Feb. 1995.

Wilson, David L. "Wiesenthal Center Urges Northwestern to Bar Web Page Denying Holocaust." Chronicle of Higher Education, 24 May 1996, A21.

Winer, Todd. "Tangled Web: NU Professor and the Holocaust." Chicago Jewish News, 25-31 Oct. 1996, 5.

Witham, Drake. "Hate Groups Explode on to Internet." Augusta Chronicle, 14 Mar. 1997. Available on the Internet at http://augustachronicle.com/stories/031497/tech_nethate.html.

"World Developments on the Internet." Response 17 (Summer/Fall 1996): 12.

"Zundel's Web." Maclean's 110 (9 June 1997): 35.

"Zundelsite Challenged." Response 18 (Fall 1997): 13.

"Zundelsite Trial Continues." Response 19 (Winter/Spring 1998): 12.

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Chomsky, Noam. Holocaust Denial and Freedom of Speech. Part 6 of Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media. Directed and Produced by Mark Achbar and Peter Wintonick. Montreal: Necessary Illusions, 1992.

From Word to Deed: Images of Hate. Israel: 1994.

Leiking, Rob. Holocaust Revisionists. Videorecording of a lecture presented at the Fairfield University Media Center on November 11, 1997.

Lipstadt, Deborah E. The Fragility of Memory: Denying the Holocaust. The 1994 A. Frank Smith, Jr. Distinguished Lecture Series. 67 min. Videorecording of a lecture presented at Southwestern University, March 23, 1994.

Shermer, Michael. Proving the Holocaust: The Refutation of Denial. Altadena, CA: Skeptics Society, 1996. 85 min. Lecture given on Feb. 12, 1994.

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Adelaide Institute. Norwood, South Australia: Adelaide Institute, 1994- . Merged with Truth Missions in 1994. Available on the Internet at http://www.adelaideinstitute.org/newsletters/contents.htm.

Bulletin of the Committee for the Reexamination of the History of the Second World War. Tulsa, OK: Committee for the Reexamination of the History of the Second World War, 1980?- .

Butz, Arthur R. "A Short Introduction to the Study of Holocaust Revisionism." Daily Northwestern, 13 May 1991. Available on the Internet at http://web.archive.org/web/20040405013137/http://pubweb.acns.nwu.edu/~abutz/di/intro.html and http://www.codoh.com/revisionist/tr03butzhr.html.

Castan, S. E. Holocaust: Jewish or German? Porto Alegre, Brazil: Revisao Editora, 1988.

Challen, Stephen. Richard Korherr and His Reports. London: Cromwell Press, 1993.

Chumatskyj, Yurij. Why is One Holocaust Worth More Than Others? Baulkham Hills, N.S.W.: Veterans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, 1986.

Cole, David. 46 Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers. Available on the Internet at http://www.codoh.com/gcgv/gc46-origi.html.

Focus: A Monthly Analysis of Politics, History, Cultural Affairs and Family Survival. Temecula, CA: Wiswell Ruffin House, 1987-1988. Also published under title Michael A. Hoffman II's Focus Newsletter, and Ratiocinative Focus.

Garaudy, Roger. Les mythes fondateurs de la politique israelienne. Paris: La Vieille Taupe, 1995. English version (The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics) is available on the Internet at http://www.codoh.com/zionweb/zionmythgar.html.

Gauss, Ernst [pseud of Germar Rudolf], ed. Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte: Ein Handbuch Ueber strittige Fragen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Tuebingen: Grabert-Verlag, 1994. English version (Foundations of Contemporary History: A Handbook on Controversial Questions of the Twentieth Century) is available on the Internet at http://www.codoh.com/found/found.html.

History Research Unit. The Big Lie: Six Million Murdered Jews. Fyshwick, A.C.T.: Unity Printers and Printers, 1970.

Hoffman, Michael A., II. The Great Holocaust Trial. Rev., exp. 3rd commemorative ed. Dresden, NY: Wiswell Ruffin House, 1995.

Holocaust Pressure Groups Shut Down Japan's Marco Polo Magazine. IHR Special Report. Newport Beach, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1995.

Independent History & Research. Libby, MT: Michael A. Hoffman, II, 1995-1996.

Irving, David. Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich. London: Focal Point, 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.fpp.co.uk/books/Goebbels/index.html.

________. "David Irving Froths Back." New Republic 215 (18 Nov. 1996): 4.

________. Nuremberg: The Last Battle. London: Focal Point, 1996. Available on the Internet at http://www.fpp.co.uk/books/Nuremberg/index.html.

Jackson, Nigel. "David Irving Defence." Australian Author 27 (Summer 1996): 5.

McCalden, David. Exiles From History: A Psychohistorical Study of Jewish Self-Hate. London: Londinium Press, 1982. Available on the Internet at http://www.faem.com/david/.

Marschalko, Louis [Lajos]. World Conquerors: The Real War Criminals. Trans. A. Suranyi. London: Joseph Sueli Publications, 1958; repr. n.p.: Christian Book Club, 1978. This book on the "Jewish conspiracy" contains a chapter on "What Has Become of Six Million Jews."

Mattogno, Carlo. Auschwitz Holocaust Revisionist Jean-Claude Pressac. The "Gassed" People of Auschwitz: Pressac's New Revisions. Palos Verdes, CA: Granata Publishing, 1995. Available on the Internet at http://www.codoh.com/gcgv/gcnewrev.html.

________. The Crematories of Auschwitz: A Critique of Jean-Claude Pressac. Palos Verdes, CA: Granata Publishing, 1995.

________. My Banned Holocaust Interview: Debate, Italian Style? Trans. Carlos Whitlock Porter. Ed. Russ Granata. Palos Verdes, CA: Granata, 1996.

Piper, Michael Collins. Best Witness: The Mel Mermelstein Affair and the Triumph of Historical Revisionism. Washington, DC: Center for Historical Review, 1994.

Revisionist Researcher. Dresden, NY: Wiswell Ruffin House, 199?-1995. Another periodical published by Michael A. Hoffman, II.

Schmidt, Hans. Jailed in "Democratic" Germany: The Ordeal of an American Writer. Milton, FL: Guderian Books, 1997. 2nd ed., Guderian Books, 1997.

Smith's Report. Visalia, CA: Bradley R. Smith, 1990- .

Stuart-Russell, Dorothy. Indictment. Palmdale, CA: Omni, 1990.

Tales of the Holohoax. Vol. 1, no. 1. Temecula, CA: Wiswell/Ruffin House, 1989. Art by A. W. Mann; text by Michael A. Hoffman II. There were at least 3 editions published of the first issue of this comic book. More issues were planned, but so far, none have been completed.

Weber, Mark. "A Letter to the Editor." Public & Access Services Quarterly 2, no. 3 (1997): 45-48. Available on the Internet at http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/w/weber-mark/letter-p-a-quarterly.html.

________. "Revisionists and the Holocaust." Los Angeles Times [Orange County Ed.], 15 Mar. 1998, B12. Available on the Internet at http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/people/w/weber.mark/press/la-times.9803.

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Aside from the information that they provide, these Internet sites will also contain links to other sites of similar interest.

AAARGH L'Association des Anciens Amateurs de Recits de Guerre et d'Holocauste: http://vho.org/aaargh/

Adelaide Institute: http://www.adelaideinstitute.org/

Air Photo Evidence John Ball: http://www.air-photo.com/

Arthur Butz: http://pubweb.acns.nwu.edu/~abutz/ [no longer online]

CODOH/Bradley R. Smith: http://www.codoh.com/

Greg Raven: http://www.corax.org/revisionism/

Institute for Historical Review: http://www.ihr.org/

Michael A. Hoffman II's Campaign for Radical Truth in History: http://www.hoffman-info.com/

Radio Islam: http://www.radioislam.org/

Student Revisionists' Resource Site: http://www.wsu.edu/~lpauling/index1.html [No longer online, but archived at http://web.archive.org/web/20000229081506/http://www.wsu.edu/~lpauling/index1.html]

Vrij Historisch Onderzoek: http://www.vho.org/index.html

Zundelsite: http://www.zundelsite.org/

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Anderson, Bruce. "Adjutant of Evil." [Review of Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, by David Irving.] The Spectator 276 (27 Apr. 1996): 35.

Aronsfeld, C. C. "'Revisionist Historians' Whitewash Julius Streicher." Patterns of Prejudice 19 (July 1985): 38-40.

Bailer-Galanda, Brigitte. The Lachout-"Dokument": Anatomy of a Forgery. Vienna: Austrian Resistance Archives, 1990. A copy of this book is available on the Internet at http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/orgs/austrian/austrian-resistance-archives/ lachout-document.html.

Bessel, Richard. Review of Nuremberg: The Last Battle, by David Irving. TLS: Times Literary Supplement, 8 Aug. 1997, 31.

Craig, Gordon A. "The Devil in Details." [Review of Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, by David Irving.] New York Review of Books 43 (19 Sept. 1996): 8-10, 12.

Draper, Roger. "Spring Time For Hitler and Stalin." New Leader 79 (12 Aug. 1996): 3-

Dwork, Deborah, and Robert-Jan van Pelt. Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present. New York: W. W. Norton, 1996.

Francq, Henry G. A Study of Guilt: The Eichmann Story. London, Ontario: Third Eye, 1991. Examines and disproves the arguments of revisionist Paul Rassinier.

Kornberg, Jacques. "The Paranoid Style: Analysis of a Holocaust-Denial Text." Patterns of Prejudice 29, no. 2-3 (1995): 33-44.

Kuttner, Paul. The Holocaust: Hoax or History? The Book of Answers to Those Who Would Deny the Holocaust. New York: Dawnwood Press, 1996.

Lamb, Richard. "Trials and Tribulations." [Review of Nuremberg: The Last Battle, by David Irving.] The Spectator 278 (15 Feb. 1997): 30.

Rembiszewski, Sarah. The "Rudolf-Report": A "Scientific Landslide"? Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1994. Available on the Internet at http://www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/people/r/rudolf.germar/tel-aviv-university-report.

Rosenberg, Tina. "In the Shadow of Goebbels." New York Times Book Review, 2 June 1996, 26-27.

Shermer, Michael. "How We Know the Holocaust Happened." In Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time, by Michael Shermer. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1997, 211-241.

Showalter, Dennis. Review of Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, by David Irving. Library Journal 121 (15 Apr. 1996): 94, 96.

Taylor, Gilbert. Review of Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, by David Irving. Booklist 92 (15 Apr. 1996): 1418.

Totten, Samuel, William S. Parsons, and Israel W. Charny, eds. Century of Genocide: Eyewitness Accounts and Critical Views. New York: Garland Publishing, 1997.

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The following sites either contain information about Holocaust deniers, or were specifically created to refute their arguments.

Electric Zen: An Einsatzgruppen Electronic Repository: http://www.einsatzgruppenarchives.com/index.html

HateWatch: http://www.hatewatch.org/ [no longer online]

The Holocaust History Project: http://www.holocaust-history.org/

The Nizkor Project: http://www.nizkor.org/

Ressources documentaires sur le genocide nazi/Documentary Resources on the Nazi Genocide: http://www.anti-rev.org/

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