Equal Under the Sky: Georgia O’Keeffe and Twentieth-Century Feminism. University of New Mexico Press, 2017.
This book is the first comprehensive study of the artist’s involvement with, and influence on, twentieth-century U.S. feminism. Utilizing understudied materials from a variety of sources including correspondence, newsletters, and brochures from the archives of the National Woman’s Party, the American Woman’s Association, and the World Center for Women’s Archives, as well as fan letters, transcripts of women’s radio shows, and programs from women’s colleges that bestowed awards, the book shows why feminism and O’Keeffe are inextricably connected in popular culture and scholarship.
The Artistry of Anger: Black and White Women's Literature in America, 1820-1860. University of North Carolina Press, 2002.
This book proposes that reading for an aesthetic grounded in the artistry of angry expression compels a reconceptualization of domestic literature by women. I analyze and contextualize expressions of anger in the texts of writers such as Lydia Maria Child, Maria W. Stewart, Fanny Fern, and Harriet Wilson as a way of tracing a specifically gendered tradition of literary nation-building that is shaped by anger at exclusion from the democratic promise of America.
"Feeling you near: Georgia O’Keeffe’s Friendship with Mary Callery." Navigating Women's Friendships in American Literature and Culture, ed. Kelly L. Reames and Kristi Branham. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. 203-237.
"Differently Radical: Suffrage Issues and Feminist Ideas in The Crisis and The Masses." American Journalism: A Journal of Media History 36.1 (Winter 2019): 71-98.
"'You are no stranger to me': Georgia O'Keeffe's Fan Mail." Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History 5 (2013): 24-40.
"Academically on Course. " Inside Higher Ed. 2 September 2011.
"Edited Letter Collections as Epistolary Fictions: Imagining African American Women's History in Beloved Sisters and Loving Friends." In Letters and Cultural Transformations in the United States, 1760-1860. Ed. Theresa Strouth Gaul and Sharon M. Harris. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2009. 249-267.
"Reading Published Letter Collections as Literary Texts:
Correspondence Between Maria Chabot and Georgia O'Keeffe, 1941-1949."
Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 25.2 (2008): 239-250.
"Inventive Desperation: Anger, Violence, and Belonging in Mary Wilkins Freeman's and Sui Sin Far's Murderous Mother Stories." American Literary Realism 38.1 (Fall 2005): 18-31.
"Masking Volcanic Anger: The Repressive World of Nineteenth-Century White Female Emotional Culture." Prospects: An Annual Journal of American Cultural Studies 27
"Louisa May Alcott's 'Magic Inkstand': Little Women, Feminism, and The Myth of Regeneration." Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies 19.1 (1998): 177-192.
"Anger in the House: Fanny Fern's Ruth Hall and the Redrawing of Emotional Boundaries in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America." Studies in the American Renaissance (1995): 251-261.
"'Thwarted Life, Mighty Hunger, Unfinished Work:' The Legacy of Nineteenth-Century Women Writing in America." ATQ: 19th C. American Literature and Culture 8.2 (June 1994): 97-118.
Review of Georgia O'Keeffe's Wartime Texas Letters by Amy Von Lintel. Southwestern Historical Quarterly 124.3 (January 2021): 356-7.
Review of The Historian's Passing: Reading Nella Larsen's Class Novel as Social and Cultural History. Edited by Lynn Domina. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2018. Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers. 37.1 (2020): 183-185.
"Making It New and Keeping It Old: Recasting Frameworks and Contexts in Georgia O'Keeffe Studies." Canadian Review of American Studies 49.1 (Spring 2019).
Review of Gender and Race in Antebellum Popular Culture by Sarah E. Gardner. American Historical Review 120.3 (2015): 1023-1024.
Review of My Faraway One: Selected Letters of Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz. Vol. 1, 1915-1933. Selected, Annotated, and Edited by Sarah Greenough. New Haven: Yale University Press in association with the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 2011. The Journal of American Culture 36.3 (September 2013): 249-251.
Review of Love and Marriage in Early African America. Ed. by Frances Smith Foster. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2008. Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 26.1 (2009): 171-172.
Review of Maria Chabot - Georgia O'Keeffe: Correspondence, 1941-1949.
Ed. by Barbara Buhler Lynes and Ann Paden. New Mexico Historical Review (Fall 2005): 451-452.
Review of Blood & Irony: Southern White Women's Narratives of the Civil War, 1861-1937 by Sarah E. Gardner. American Historical Review (December 2005): 1537.
"Changing Conversations, Shifting Paradigms: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century American Women's Literary Scholarship in the Twenty-First Century." College Literature 29.2 (April 2002).
Review of The Reader's Repentance: Women Preachers, Women Writers, and Nineteenth-Century Social Discourse by Christine L. Krueger. Sex Roles 29.10 (Nov. 1993).